Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3326: Don't be here...

When passing through the tunnel entrance, the stone fell and hit his car. By coincidence, Han Yixiao's leg was broken.

Han Yixiao had to be hospitalized for this.

The doctor said that he must be hospitalized for at least three months, even if his legs are kept, but when he walks, he will show signs, and limping is inevitable.

Han Yixiao was unable to handle official duties. Someone on the board of directors happened to be in trouble and complained of his incompetence. In recent months, a lot of money has been spent, nothing has been done, and the gold medal broker Junya has been lost. Lu Yiyang, the most profitable artist.

Han Yixiao's position as president was replaced.

In addition, the Han family arranged for a man from his side to preside over the overall situation, another cousin of Han Yixiao.

Han Yixiao was not reconciled, but he couldn't even figure out why this happened to him.

All he knew was that someone stunned him that night and drove his car to the tunnel entrance. Then he was about to smash the rock from Lu Yiyang's car and hit his car.

For this reason, he dare not even call the police.

What's more, reporting to the police is of no avail. In order to make Lu Yiyang's smashing incident look more like an accident, he made thorough preparations, so his accident this time was classified as an accident by the police early on.

Junya only learned about this after Lu Yiyang's announcement.

"Hey, Han Yixiao was so unlucky that he broke his leg?" Junya looked at the news and smiled, "He deserves it! Many acts of injustice will kill himself!"

Lu Yiyang would discuss everything with Jun Ya, but this kind of hurtful thing seemed too gloomy, so he took it on himself.

"Yes, he deserves it." He just commented briefly.

"Don't talk about him, we will be busy soon." Junya opened the mailbox, "Do you see that there are hundreds of work emails waiting to be processed. Now the work is full of us, I will let you Work is small and refined, so we must carefully select."

"Let's leave it to the assistant to do the preliminary screening." Lu Yiyang grabbed her waist, "Otherwise, what does the assistant do with it? You can just check it later."

Junya also thought about it, so many things can't be done by herself, and her energy must be focused on more important things.

But for Lu Yiyang, the most important thing is not to help him screen jobs, but to accompany him.

Pulling Junya into her arms, she bowed her head and kissed her. On the side, the trained assistants of Uncle Meng bowed their heads.

Junya blushed into a tomato and pushed him away: "Don't be here..."

"Then it's going to the room." Lu Yiyang regarded her as agreed, picked her up, and strode directly towards the room on the side.

The assistants on the side were all envious. They didn't expect the extremely cold male **** in front of the camera to spoil his own woman in private, so he spared no effort.


When Junya was free, she called her father: "Dad, I have some gifts here. Lu Yiyang's family entrusted me to bring them to you. I will come back and bring them to you when I have time."

"Okay." The gentleman agreed.

Mrs. Jun and Junxue heard it and waited until the father left, and whispered: "I don't know what gift Junya brought back this time?"

"Lu Yiyang has a good income now, and the gifts must be on the high grade, so it goes without saying." Jun Xue squashed.

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