Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3397: Lu Yiyang, do you have your son?

He stretched out his hand to pull Junya over and hugged him in his arms: "Come on, I just want you to accompany me like this."

In front of his subordinates, Jun Ya blushed immediately.

Fortunately, the subordinate was the most sensible, and immediately lowered his head to massage Lu Yiyang's legs, but he didn't see it.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Jun, someone came from outside and said they were coming to see you, do you want them to come in?"

"What's your name?" Lu Yiyang asked.

"A man with a child, named Ming..."

"Let them in." Before the staff finished speaking, Lu Yiyang had guessed that it was Ming Rui and Wen Xuan.

Sure enough, after the staff came back for a while, the people who brought them were Mingrui and Wenxuan.

Wen Xuan rushed over and pointed to Lu Yiyang and shook his head: "Yiyang, you don't talk about loyalty. I said before that he brought me to the crew, but he didn't bring me. It was the puppy who lied."

"Aren't you here?" Lu Yiyang's smile became very gentle when he saw Wenxuan.

"You didn't bring me here. Mingrui brought me here. Mingrui is better."

Ming Rui stood behind Wen Xuan and shook his head with a smile: "He heard that your new movie is filming, and he has to let me come. I can't help him, so he came."

Lu Yiyang took Wenxuan's hand: "I will show you around here."

He took Junya easily and motioned for Mingrui to be with him.

Director Jia saw Wen Xuan and said in surprise, "Lu Yiyang, do you have your son?"

"Not my son, but nephew. Wen Xuan, this is Director Jia."

"Director Jia, good." Wen Xuan put his legs together respectfully and saluted.

"Nephew... I thought it was your biological son. The similarity in appearance made me startled." Director Jia looked left and right, quite satisfied with Wen Xuan's appearance. This is just like a little Lu Yiyang.

Junya couldn't help but look at Wenxuan again, and the two of them were indeed alike.

Lu Yiyang and Lu Jingchen were born at the same time. The two people looked alike. They were only distinguished because of their different experiences and different personalities.

Lu Yiyang is more free and unrestrained than Lu Jingchen. Because Wen Xuan is still young, he has not inherited Lu Jingchen's strong dominance and seriousness, so Wen Xuan is more like an uncle than a father.

The crew of the film crew all gathered around to see Wenxuan. He was so good-looking. He happened to be less than ten years old and not yet a teenager. However, the transitional stage of children’s immaturity disappeared, and the future will be more varied. Possibility.

"Can we take pictures with you?" A group of **** sisters and brother staff took turns taking turns.

"Okay." Wen Xuan was very neat and generous, so they took photos as they please.

After the filming, he said, "Then can I use your camera to play by myself?"

"..." The staff who took the photos suddenly looked bitter. These cameras are very valuable and expensive, and they are easily not allowed to be touched by outsiders, but just now they wanted to take pictures with Wen Xuan, Wen Xuan agreed. Now that I refuse this child again, it seems to be very unkind, and it's just like slaps in the face.

Moreover, Wen Xuan was so good-looking, and when the corners of his lips were slightly lowered because of unhappiness, it made everyone feel distressed.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yiyang, Ming Rui, and Jun Ya were all very aware of the merits.

I knew that Wenxuan would not agree to take a photo with others so easily.

"Okay?" Wen Xuan blinked his eyes, bright eyes with expectation, as brilliant as the stars in the sky, no one could refuse him.

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