Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3458: Will get the punishment they deserve

Junya asked Huanhuan to pour coffee, and asked Yunjin to sit down: "In fact, we should have invited you over as a guest. It was too busy and we haven't found time."

"Don't be polite with me, this time I came to find something specifically for you." Yunjin put a USB flash drive on the table, "You are not investigating, the last time the car caught fire, who is it? Did you do it?"

"Have you found the evidence?" Jun Ya asked happily.

She picked up the USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer. She was pleasantly surprised and said: "The police said that the car that caught fire was stolen from the abandoned garage, but the garage monitoring happened that day. The monitoring on that road section It’s also very vague, so it’s been impossible to find out who stole the car. Unexpectedly, you took a picture of him stealing the car."

"Actually, I didn't take it. It was Jinwei's company that was working on the project there, and it happened that one of the surveillance cameras was able to photograph the garage over there. I thought about the second brother, so I watched the entire video with him and found this One paragraph. As long as you find the person who stole the car, and who did it, you should be able to find out."

"Great. Thank you, Yun Jin." Jun Ya breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to make Lu Yiyang innocent.

"Thank me for what I do? The second brother's business is my business. How can I do something about it. It's just that the second brother has something and he never tells me, and I am afraid I am worried about him." Yun Jin said and laughed. Get up and look at Lu Yiyang.

Lu Yiyang's eyes were gentle, he really didn't want to alarm Yun Jin for many things.

But as an artist, even if he doesn't say anything, some news can't be blocked.

He patted her on the shoulder: "I'm afraid you are worried, but you still want to worry."

"Yeah, who made us a female compatriot have telepathy. If you have anything, I can't sleep at night. I have to make you go smoothly before I can live happily." Yun Jin showed in front of Lu Yiyang. A childish smile.

Lu Yiyang tapped her forehead lightly.

Junya couldn't help but smile. Seeing Lu Yiyang and Yun Jin getting along, she really envied this kind of sibling relationship.

After leaving Yunjin for dinner in the evening, Lu Yiyang sent her home, and then went to the police station with Junya and gave the USB flash drive to the police officer handling the case.

Not far from the police station is the building of Dingsheng Film Studio.

It was night, and the building was still brightly lit.

Many luxury cars also come and go in the underground parking garage of the building. It seems that there are still many stars coming and going here.

This time Lu Yiyang's accident, the position of the male lead in "Xin Ming" is hanging up in the air, and many male artists' agents are again fighting for the role of male lead.

Of course, there are also male counterparts who can go one step further in striving for their position.

Seeing concern in Junya's eyes, Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand to embrace her: "Don't worry, the evidence has been found. Are you afraid that our things will be robbed?"

"I'm not afraid. I'm thinking about who it is that would come up with such an idea to stop us and even hurt people. If everyone is doing such a thing for profit, it is really disturbing to think about it. ."

"No matter who it is, he will get the punishment he deserves."

Wang Sichen walked out of the building and walked straight to Lu Yiyang and Junya. He smiled triumphantly: "Junya, Lu Yiyang, are you here to visit Mr. Yao too late?"

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