Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3483: Can't take care of

The actor has already opened up about Su Ling before, but even if she is the heroine, it is impossible for the actor to keep a child here.

"She is really well-behaved and won't add any mess. As soon as I finish work, I will come and take her away..." Su Ling pleaded.

"No, you go quickly. In case of knocking, no one can bear the responsibility."

The crew waved away.

Jun Yajing listened for a moment, only to hear Su Ling's cry.

This is completely inconsistent with the image of Su Ling in Junya's heart.

As the heroine selected by Junya in this drama, Su Ling is usually full of girlish feelings, with a smile on her face every day. When on the set, she is also extraordinarily cute, almost everyone’s pistachio.

Junya later learned that she had played a lot of out-of-the-box roles before, no matter where she appeared, she was cheerful and very popular.

Junya couldn't imagine Su Ling who was crying.

She knocked on the door and went in.

Su Ling saw that it was Junya and hurriedly stuffed a child behind him.

"What's wrong, Su Ling?" Junya asked, her smile softened as she looked at the well-behaved and cute child behind Su Ling.

"Miss Jun, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll take her away now." Su Ling thought the drama had already told Junya about this matter. She didn't dare to influence the filming, delayed the process, and had to compromise.

She was not at ease where she put the child.

"What's the matter with the child? Tell me so I can help you." When Junya saw the child, she frowned.

This is the crew, and Su Ling plays the heroine again, and every move is very eye-catching.

Speaking of it, she is still not popular to have such freedom.

If it were a little red, I don't know how many eyes would fall on her.

What's more, now, because of the presence of Mo Zheng in the crew, the reporter has paid close attention to everything here.

I don’t know how many reporters are here and there, just to dig out a little bit of material.

If something happens, it is not only a loss to her, but also a loss to the entire crew.

"This... Xiao Su Tang, my brother’s child, my brother and my sister-in-law, have passed away in a car accident. So I am Xiao Su Tang’s only relative. Now I am going to film, no one takes care of her, and neither do I Money, please nanny..."

Although Su Ling is the heroine of this group, her remuneration is similar to that of ordinary newcomers. Moreover, not long after the filming of the film, her income has not yet arrived.

Jingzhou City can not afford the money for a nanny.

She does have an assistant, but the assistant is mainly responsible for her current work, not only to help take care of the filming, but also to manage her life, and she doesn't care about the child at all.

Junya moved her compassion, especially when she looked at the little girl, a warm and familiar feeling rose in her heart. ,

The little girl is fleshy and very well-behaved. Her big eyes are like two purple grapes. When she looks at people, she looks like she can talk.

Her eyes really looked like Su Ling.

Junya looked at her, her heart became softer.

"Well, you go to the finance side, pay 30% of the salary first, and settle the child first. It is really not safe for the child to stay in the crew. There are so many people, in case the child encounters something. Not good. Ask a nanny and put her at home. After you finish work, go see her again." Jun Ya said.

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