Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3485: Patiently communicate with her slowly

A young man rushed over and was about to rush towards Junya when he saw Xiao Su Tang.

"Junya, what is this?" Wen Xuan stopped running, and curiously looked at the cutie standing in front of him.

Little cutie also looked at him curiously, showing a sweet smile.

"This is a little girl. My friend's child. Stay here for a day." Jun Ya smiled, "Will you mind?"

Wen Xuan shook his head. Of course he didn't mind, not to mention the cuteness of this child.

Xiao Su Tang blinked and looked at him: "Brother, my name is Xiao Su Tang. What is your name?"

Wen Xuan blushed suddenly: "My name is Wen Xuan. Where are you going, I'll take you there."

"Wen Xuan, you take Xiao Su Tang to play in the garden. Don't knock her." It is rare for Jun Ya to see that Wen Xuan is not repulsive, and it is just right to have a child with him.

Wen Xuan took her little hand and went to the garden. The two seemed to have a good match. They walked and talked, feeling like brothers and sisters.

Especially Wen Xuan, it is rare to see him so patient, Xiao Su Tang speaks slowly, and he can slowly communicate with her patiently.

When Xiao Su Tang was walking, her arms and legs were not walking fast, Wen Xuan waited for her patiently.

The servant hurried over to look after him.

These two children smashed and touched which one, she was afraid that she could not eat.

Looking at the two children, Junya felt warm.

Perhaps, the feeling of having two children is really wonderful.

She had met Yun Jin's three children before, and her heart was filled with warm emotions.

Now I see Wen Xuan and Xiao Su Tang, and I feel even more so.

Watching them playing around in the yard, running around, and whispering affectionately, Junya was full of envy.

Maybe... it would be nice to have a daughter of your own.

She sent a text message to Su Ling, telling her where the little sugar candies, and told her that when she finishes work in the evening, Uncle Meng will bring her children to find her.

Junya herself, let Huanhuan meet with an agent.

The agent works in the United States, but he is an authentic Chinese citizen. Junya only knows his name is Chris.

Although Chris has never brought out a particularly big-name star, he has always played steadily. The stars he has brought out are all true talents.

In this regard, Junya agrees very much with his approach and planning for actors.

Now in the entire entertainment circle, the set of small fresh meat and small flow flowers are very popular. It is true that these flow stars have very good looks and figures, and they are impeccable.

However, the company also relies on unlimited squeezing of their utilization value, and does not give them the opportunity to hone their acting skills and improve themselves. Instead, they arrange all their schedules to the full and only let them make money with their existing traffic.

Junya has always believed that works and characters are the foundation of celebrity's life. Only with works and characters to infect the audience can celebrities go better in this circle and have longer vitality.

There are many similarities between Chris's methods of advocating people and Junya, as well as his views and opinions on stars.

This time, Junya heard that Chris was coming back to work in Jingzhou City from the United States, so she wanted to talk to Chris and invite him to work in the studio.

With Chris's ability and philosophy, it is very possible to create Liang Jialin.

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