"In fact, there are not a few programs that invite you. But we have carefully analyzed it, but there are only two programs that have not invited you, which are the most valuable. One is "Everyday You Have Fun", which mainly accumulates popularity. The audience is mainly They are teenagers, but because of their too happy style, they have been criticized by the mainstream; the other is "National Opera Awards", which has a smaller audience, but mainly focuses on boutique interviews, which is relatively more capable Bless your identity and acting skills."

"You value the latter gear more, right?"

Jun Ya smiled slightly: "You guessed it. However, these two programs are currently the most popular programs in China. It is not easy to get on these two programs. I am already contacting the producers of these two programs. I’m trying to get to the next level."

"I know that these two shows are very important. Unless they take the initiative to invite artists to participate in the show, otherwise, it will be difficult to get on."

"Yeah, many people can't get on this show even if they squeeze their heads. But if many people can get on these two shows, they will be worth a lot. Everyone wants to go. It's natural." Junya flipped through her hands. Information, "Let me fight for it, if I have a chance, I still prefer the latter."

Looking at her expression, Lu Yiyang knew that things were not easy to do.

Maybe it might not be easy to let Uncle Meng come forward.

What's more, Lu Yiyang didn't want to let Uncle Meng use his and Phoenix Yufei's influence to do this kind of thing.

This is a time to test his popularity and ability, as well as Junya's ability.

Therefore, he let go of his hand and let Junya do this.

Junya tried to contact the producers on both sides.

The programs on both sides are recorded, and it takes basically a month from recording to playback.

So if you want to be on the show, at least you have to prepare a long time in advance.

However, these two programs are very popular. The producer's external contact information is all low-level assistants. It is difficult to contact the producer directly.

Fortunately, they all have special mailboxes for their external contacts and cooperation. Artists and teams can prepare enough materials and send them to them for screening.

The two producers will select artists who are the most topical, active and have the most recent works to collaborate.

Most of the time, these two programs will not be dedicated to a particular artist. Generally, several artists or several crews will be invited for one episode.

Especially the preciousness of the show is more visible, even the most popular artist, it is difficult to monopolize a show.

"Sister Junya, I have sent all the information to "Everyday You Le" and "National Drama Awards"." Huanhuan called Junya.

"Okay. Then wait for their follow-up notice. They will definitely screen, and then after multiple measures, can they determine who is on the show."

Huanhuan was a little worried: "I don't know if they will contact us. "Sniper No. 1" will be broadcast soon. If we don't make it to the show this month, the heat will be over."

"It should be." Junya is still very confident in Lu Yiyang.

With these two programs, it is impossible not to see his popularity and the ratings that he can bring.

The difficulty is that it must be stuck in this time period. It is not easy.

The producer of "Happy Everyday" has always valued Lu Yiyang's fame.

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