Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3595: Love her so much

After finally pacifying all parties, Junya said to the assistants around her: "Tomorrow we will hold a press conference to introduce our deputy directors to everyone. This can both appease all parties and promote ours. Drama. You can also let these associate directors know that working with us is highly valued."

She also wanted to promote Xiaoxiao and help her make more publicity.

She called Xiaoxiao, and Xiaoxiao immediately agreed, saying, "Then I will be ready to come early tomorrow morning."

Junya put down the phone and felt a little tired.

Lixin Media wanted to use such a method to demolish her station, but the effect was still far short.

I was thinking about something, and there was a knock on the door.

Junya said, "Please come in."

She just ordered the takeaway, and she has been busy until now and has not eaten dinner.

Someone came in and put the food on her table.

Junya is still looking down at the document. This is the plan for tomorrow's press conference. She needs to check first.

"Eat first before dealing with things." A familiar voice rang in her head.

Jun Ya raised her eyes in surprise, and it was indeed a familiar figure that was printed in her eyes, and it was Lu Yiyang who came over!

"Ying Yang!" Junya stood up and jumped around the desk into his arms.

"There were few scenes today, and after I coordinated, I came over." He has been very concerned about what happened in the studio these days.

But Junya mentioned it and said it was okay.

Of course he knew she was afraid he was worried.

However, he was more worried about her physical condition. How could she be so busy without eating?

Sure enough, he personally brought the dinner, and she was still busy.

"The matter has almost been resolved. The deputy director is basically in place. A press conference will be held tomorrow to inform the world and soothe all aspects of mind." But Junya was still very happy to see him.

"Then you have to eat first." Lu Yiyang sat her down.

He originally told Huanhuan to take good care of Junya, who knew that Huanhuan was sent to Mo Zheng by Junya.

"Okay, let's go together." Junya knew that he was coming back now, and she must have not caught up with the crew dinner.

Two people eat together, even if it’s takeaway, it’s delicious.

After eating, Lu Yiyang asked her to rest and went to see the plan for the press conference.

He glanced at ten lines, read very quickly, and occasionally picked up a pen to make slight changes.

In fact, he was better at this aspect of affairs than Junya, and he did more appropriately.

Junya leaned against him, and she felt very happy just sitting with him in business affairs like this.

After Lu Yiyang finished reading, Junya had fallen asleep leaning on his shoulder.

He laughed and said that he was not tired. If he didn't come back, wouldn't she have to hold on to read these things?

He lowered his head and kissed her lips and pressed her into his arms. All he had to do was to love her well.

There was also another person in the smiling room, pulling her to perform unsuitable performances for children.

Early the next morning, Fengyu Studio held a press conference to announce to the outside world that the deputy director would be in place.

Junya appeared in the press conference very quickly in a capable professional outfit.

The reporters were all ready to go, and the press conference was bustling.

The new assistant directors are all here, but Xiaoxiao hasn't arrived.

"What's going on?" Junya glanced at her wrist and called and smiled.

The phone was turned off and couldn't get through at all.

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