Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3692: Gag the reporter's mouth

The drama Ding Jin is currently filming has a lot of publicity, but it is a bit tepid and the amount of discussion is average.

Although, her drama also has a very strong team.

She was naturally resentful about this.

If this continues, it won’t take long for Junya to take her place and become the right arm of her father.

And myself, there will be no way back.

She took out her mobile phone and called the head of the crew of "The Legend of Xian Xia".

Today's scene is the more difficult part of Lu Yiyang.

Because this drama involves a lot of fighting actions, it is difficult for everyone.

Fortunately, Lu Yiyang's basic skills are very strong, and his fighting movements are simple.

But today's scene is fighting while hanging on Via, so the difficulty has increased.

In addition, there is also a media exploration class today, so there are many people watching the scene, which increases the difficulty of shooting.

During the audition, Junya found that Wia had to hang on the edge of the cliff.

She walked over immediately: "Yi Yang, did you see the shooting environment?"

"I saw it." Lu Yiyang obviously has the same doubts as Junya, "I'm planning to tell the director about this."

"Don't go, I'm your agent. I have something to say." Jun Ya stopped Lu Yiyang.

The agent itself should fight for all legal rights and interests for the artist.

"Director, I want to ask, does this scene have to be shot on the cliff? Can't it be done in post?"

"We discussed that today, the fog is heavy, and shooting on the cliff can capture all the fog in the mountains. This can save the entire episode of special effects production and reduce the post-production time of the entire show by at least ten days. "The director is indeed considering the drama, "Today's foggy scene is very rare, so I hope Lu Yiyang can cooperate more."

Junya didn't deny what he said, glanced at the suspended cliff, and said: "This is too dangerous. I hope this play uses a substitute."

For all scenes that exceed the difficulty, the artist has the right to request a substitute.

After all, stand-ins are professionally trained, and artists are not decathlons.

The director agreed: "Okay. I'm also afraid that there will be problems with the starring injury, so it should be a substitute. In fact, if you don't tell me, I will arrange a substitute. If Lu Yiyang is injured, who can bear the responsibility?"

The reporters on the sidelines originally came to watch Lu Yiyang's filming today, and they all expressed their regrets when they heard that they would use a substitute.

"I can't see Lu Yiyang's scene anymore."

"Didn't they all say that Lu Yiyang is dedicated? Why doesn't this work?"

"Who knows? Don't all the artists blow out? Actually? Humph!"

The reporter's argument was a bit ugly.

Among them, people who had been arranged by Ding Jin mixed in, naturally, they would be critical of Lu Yiyang.

Junya glanced at them, smiled and took out a few pieces of paper: "Don't you want to write a manuscript? It just so happens that there is an introduction to the difficulty of shooting. You can take a look and help the audience popularize it by the way. For scenes with a degree of difficulty greater than five, artists can reasonably request the use of professional substitutes."

"Today, Lu Yiyang's shooting difficulty is level ten, even in professional martial arts movies, it is very rare. Therefore, the use of doubles is not only our requirement, but also the director's requirement."

A few words directly blocked the mouths of the reporters who were still chattering just now.

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