Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3724: Stay away from her

Artists under Ding Jin's dislike of Ding Jin reached its peak.

People who have not done this kind of thing feel that their reputation is greatly affected;

People who have done this kind of thing feel that if it weren't for Ding Jin's temptation or intimidation, he would not have taken this path.

Apart from suppressing the news, Ding Jin has no solution.

However, the more pressure the news becomes, the more irrepressible it becomes.

In the entire company, undercurrents surging, will spread outside the company at any time.

Things quickly reached Fang Xingcheng's ears.

He was very angry!

The company's shareholders came and went from his office, and they all mentioned Ding Jin's affairs.

In the office.

Ding Jin stood in front of Fang Xingcheng, hooking her head.

This matter, she can't argue.

Fang Xingcheng was feeling dispirited and couldn't even raise the strength to scold him.

"Ding Jin, leave your job yourself." Fang Xingcheng finally said this.

She will not leave her job, and sooner or later, the situation will become more serious and uncontrollable.

Nor can it satisfy shareholders.

On the day Ding Jin left her job, everyone respected her, as if she were a plague god.

Years of hard work was ruined, and when they were leaving, the people betrayed their relatives and left their eyes in desolation.

A few older artists also announced that they would stop shadowing and quit the circle directly.

Several other new artists gradually reduced their workload, which is equivalent to a semi-retired state.

Liu Han is even more simple, and vla's commercials will no longer be filmed.

Seeing that Lu Yiyang's endorsement time has come, Liu Han's endorsement blows, the person in charge of vla, the first thing that comes to mind is Lu Yiyang.

After consulting Boss Chen, Boss Chen also took the initiative to choose Lu Yiyang.

The person in charge called Junya: "Miss Jun, what happened before was really a misunderstanding. Lu Yiyang's cooperation can actually be discussed again."

Junya asked: "Does Boss Chen mean it?"

"Yes, it's what Boss Chen meant. We meant that Lu Yiyang should be suitable."

Jun Ya snorted softly. In the past, for selfish desire, he chose Liu Han.

After the accident, he thought of Lu Yiyang again.

However, Junya didn't plan to play with them.

Having a boss like Boss Chen will stain Lu Yiyang's reputation in the future.

"Miss Jun, don't you still mind what happened last time?" the person in charge asked.

She smiled and said, "Mind if it works?"

"Just know that Miss Jun is generous, then we will cooperate happily."

Junya didn't answer, she said that she would change her name, and now that a call comes to Lu Yiyang to cooperate again?

There is no such simple thing.

The people over there thought she agreed and were very happy to prepare for the press conference.

Junya told Huanhuan: "Help me get through the call of the person in charge of xim, and we picked up their mobile phone to endorse."

"Then vla..."

"I didn't promise them again." Junya decided to stay away from Boss Chen so as not to get Lu Yiyang into trouble.

Xim is also a good mobile phone brand and a pioneer in independent research and development in China, which is just right for enterprising artists like Lu Yiyang.

On the day of Vla's promotion, Lu Yiyang didn't show up at all.

Instead, Junya accompanied him to the xim promotional conference.

The people at Vla were very angry when they heard that Lu Yiyang had gone to a competitor's press conference, "Let our pigeons go? Lu Yiyang is really courageous!"

The reporters all gathered around: "Lu Yiyang didn't show up, what is the reason?"

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