Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3794: Fire upper body

Ding Jin rashly released such news, making Fang Xingcheng annoyed: "Ding Jin, do you know, if things are not what you think, how serious will the consequences be?"

"The big deal is that Mayor Jun comes forward to public relations. Mayor Jun's term of office is about to expire, who knows if he can continue to go up?" Ding Jin was not afraid at all.

"Even so, our Tianhe Wanxin can no longer withstand the wind and grass! What you do is to put yourself on the top of the wind and waves!" Fang Xingcheng said.

"Dad, I also want to make results earlier, and come back to you to help early."

"Junya, how can she, how can she keep pressing our head office?"

"If you don't engage her now, it will be too late! After she separates from us, she will become even more powerful!"

Ding Jin's words were correct, but Fang Xingcheng was annoyed and dropped the document: "I order you to delete these things immediately!"

"It's too late!"

"What do you mean?" Fang Xingcheng asked.

"In order to make this topic a little hotter, I have asked someone to post another batch of photos." Ding Jin told the assistant before he came.

Seeing Fang Xingcheng speechless, she said seriously: "Dad, don't be merciful. You just lost too many opportunities to get into such a passive situation. This time, if Junya is really hammered to death, It will definitely involve bribery and other issues."

"Her career is dead. Think about the resources in her hands, the artists, directors, and agents that we can't spend countless efforts to cultivate, will be given priority to our hands. Think about it, Dad!"

Fang Xingcheng was moved by his daughter's words and said: "Then look at the situation first. If the situation is not right, contact the media immediately and delete everything."

Ding Jin responded, "Yes."

After Ding Jin went out, Hao Jie came in and said, "Boss Fang, did you post the information first?"

"Why give Ding Jin the information?" Fang Xingcheng's tone was exceptionally serious.

"She said she wanted to know about the company's situation. I saw that she was not an outsider, so I showed her."

Fang Xingcheng stared at him, and Hao Jie stared back without panic.

Fang Xingcheng knew that the depth of Hao Jie's city house and this scandal was about Mayor Jun. If he is careless, he will get angry.

Therefore, he showed Ding Jin the information.

Ding Jin is an uncomfortable person. As soon as he sees these materials, he will send them out, ready to give Junya a huge blow.

When that happens, Hao Jie can take advantage of it and grab the resources from Junya to use.

If things fail, they have nothing to do with him. The pot is Ding Jin's.

If Hao Jie was able to get to this point in the company, Fang Xingcheng had long seen these methods.

"In the future, let less irrelevant people interfere with internal affairs." Fang Xingcheng warned.

On the surface, he was dissatisfied that he let outsiders intervene in this matter.

In fact, I am worried that my daughter will be caught in this matter and will not be able to get away in the future.

"I see, boss Fang."

"Ding Jin's affairs, you take over. After all, she is not a formal employee of the company, so it is inconvenient to intervene too much."

Instead, Fang Xingcheng kicked the tricky things back to Hao Jie's hands.

Want to benefit, but do not want to be stained, how is this possible?

Fang Xingcheng remained silent, and Hao Jie had no right to refuse.

Fortunately, Ding Jin started the matter, and Hao Jie now intervenes, it will not be too difficult to get out by then.

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