Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3850: What about the scene?

Where is so much honesty in the adult world?

The longer she stays in this circle, the more she understands this truth.

Just like before, she planned to take three months' leave in the company for her boyfriend's illness.

The executives agreed happily, but turned around and found a female artist who was in the same way as her, and immediately praised her.

She understands that it is not easy for high-levels to have high-levels, but the chilly feeling still pervades her heart.

She was invited for three months that time, and she went back after only less than half a month off, because she did not dare to lose her position.

And she told Junya of her own affairs, can Junya solve such a predicament?


Maybe, she would refuse to draw the spinal cord herself, and even ask to change her role.

Meng Lijing didn't dare to take this risk.

"Miss Jun, it's really okay. I'll be back soon after processing. The scenes in the afternoon will not be affected." Meng Lijing said.

"Well, if you have anything, you must find me." Jun Ya warned.

Meng Lijing hung up the phone and asked, "Doctor, is it sure you can get it done in an hour?"

"Sure." The doctor said, taking the medicine that Gu Tianrui had arranged.

Meng Lijing lay down.

When Jun Ya saw Meng Lijing rejected herself, it was indeed not better to control too much.

After all, it was an artist from another company.

Not long after she put down the phone, Uncle Meng called: "Young lady, let's check it out. The man who said he wanted to provide Meng Lijing's boyfriend with a spinal cord, his spinal cord doesn't match at all!"

"Could it be that he just arranged for Gu Tianrui to delay Meng Lijing on purpose?" Jun Ya was surprised.

"It's possible. That man also asked for Meng Lijing's spinal cord!" Uncle Meng said.

Junya was even more surprised: "Uncle Meng, tell me the address of the hospital, I'll go over and have a look."

After getting the address, Junya and Huanhuan hurried to the hospital.

When they inquired about Meng Lijing, they discovered that she was already in the intensive care unit.

It turned out that the doctor injected Meng Lijing with a drug according to Gu Tianrui's request. The drug was originally intended to make her muscle weak and unable to film.

But she didn't know that Meng Lijing was allergic to this drug. After the injection of this drug, she developed a very serious allergic reaction and was immediately sent to the emergency room.

It's just that the doctor is hiding everything, so no one knows what happened to Meng Lijing, he just thought she was suffering from a sudden illness.

"Miss Meng is still being rescued. She is unconscious and looks dangerous. Even if she comes back from the rescue, it will be difficult to recover without two or three months of recuperation," the doctor and nurse said hurriedly.

"Didn't she be fine when she came?" Jun Ya asked.

"We don't know this."

"Then please do your best to rescue, at any cost!" Jun Ya warned.

The doctor nodded: "The responsibility lies."

Junya regretted not insisting on seeing Meng Lijing just now.

It's hard to say what happened to her now.

Huanhuan said, "Sister Junya, what should I do? What about Miss Meng's role?"

This is what Junya is most worried about.

She had no choice but to call Lu Yiyang.

"She's going to have an accident. I think Gu Tianrui delayed her most by her boyfriend's condition."

"I don't know why or what happened. But it seems that she can't continue filming the scene."

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