Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3870: I can't help it

But thinking that she has only been an agent for a long time, she will have these generous actions. This does not mean that she can be a qualified actor, and the directors still do not have hope for her acting skills.

Lu Yiyang and Junya exchanged greetings with them, and said: "Thanks to Director Xiao for his advice. We are not ashamed for his control of the camera. Junya and I will continue to work hard."

"Director Li is right. People in our circle really have to take the responsibility for the spread of excellent culture."

"Director Wang's words are very meaningful, and his views on movies are also of high value, and we will humbly follow them."

"We always try to figure out the works of Director Huang, and we will study hard."

Reaching out without hitting the smiling faces, Lu Yiyang and Jun Ya know everything about everything, almost telling the characteristics of each director.

These features may soon be reported through the media, which makes directors very useful.

Naturally, they can't be too harsh.

However, this Huang Dao didn't like Junya and Lu Yiyang.

Unlike other directors, he came here specifically to slap Junya in the face.

Because he himself is the royal director of Haile Century, this time Junya snatched Meng Lijing's play.

No matter what the reason is, he is on the side of Haili.

He was half-bald with a shrewd look: "So you often watch my works. Have you learned some of the acting skills?"

"They all learn."

"It seems that Lu Yiyang was able to get the actor in the first place, and I still have a credit? I don't know if Junya watched a few of my movies, can he get a queen?" He laughed and said, half meaning. Just kidding, but it sounds ridiculous.

Lu Yiyang curled his lips and smiled: "The actors that Director Huang personally trained have never taken the celebrity actress. Even if Junya watched it, she didn't dare to surpass you right away, don't you?"

The directors around couldn't help laughing as soon as they spoke.

Several people in the media also endured a laugh.

The director Huang has shot many things, and the categories are also mixed. They are all about making money. There really is no award-winning work yet.

Hearing Lu Yiyang's ridicule, Director Huang was immediately unhappy: "You said that, you don't recognize Junya's acting skills?"

"I always recognize Junya's acting skills." Lu Yiyang retorted directly.

The implication is that the director Huang's ability to direct is not recognized.

Lu Yiyang and Corporal Junya and Lixian weren't blindly compelling, but they were just expedient.

If the other party can treat each other kindly, then the two sides can completely turn fighting against each other.

How could Lu Yiyang not slap her face immediately if the other party was so mocking?

The expression on Director Huang's face was unpredictable, and Lu Yiyang was still smiling: "Director Huang, do you think so?"

"With Junya's acting skills, it will never be possible to shoot anything famous." Dao Huang changed his face, "I will put my words here. If she can get the queen in the future, I will slap her face. ."

Lu Yiyang smiled: "Okay, it happens that so many directors and friends in the media are witnessing it together. Why don't we make a bet?"

"What I say counts at any time, and no one needs to witness it." Director Huang said.

"Okay, I hope Director Huang's words count. Everyone, please come in." Lu Yiyang invited them into the banquet.

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