Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3904: Is it for nothing?

"Yes, we have talked about it for three or four months for his business. Among them, we have put in a lot of manpower for auditions and makeup. The shooting will start tomorrow, and our contract has been delivered. , The lawyers were also with him, just waiting for them to write down and sign, who knew Huang Meiling suddenly said politely that Huang Ping now has a limited schedule and can't come!"

"Don't say that the project manager is angry, I'm angry too! How much time have we been delayed on this Huang Ping! They are good, if they don't sign, they won't sign. Everyone else signs, but he doesn't sign."

Junya calmed down and said, "Communicate with them and see why."

"Huang Meiling said that she is busy now, and she will come to apologize in person another day. If she speaks well, will the apology be over?" Huanhuan has always been very temperamental, especially when encountering things.

"Then there is no room for maneuver." Junya said, "It's useless to get angry, so let's re-determine immediately."

Huanhuan's temper came and went quickly, and said, "We have been preparing for re-appointment just now, but time is short, so it is more troublesome."

"Good." Junya nodded, "As long as the contract is not signed for one day, it is inevitable that you will encounter such a thing. You must be psychologically prepared."

"I know, I have encountered it before. For example, someone is really sick or injured, or the contract conditions are not negotiated, and it is indeed impossible to sign. But I have never encountered such a situation. It is obviously not because Huang Meiling saw Huang Ping want I won the prize, and I feel that the role of the male third is not worthy of their family."

In fact, Junya also had conjectures in this regard, but Huanhuan raised it straightforwardly.

Huanhuan said: "They think that Huang Ping's award must be a nail in the bench. It's for sure."

"It's no wonder they think so, because literary films themselves are big hits for awards. Among the award-winning works every year, literary films have the upper hand. After all, the award itself is more inclined to movies with strong cultural atmosphere, which is understandable. ."

"Does he think he can beat Mr. Lu? Even if he can beat him and win the prize, should he not keep his word like this?"

"Otherwise? They didn't sign the contract, and we couldn't effectively take up legal weapons to protect ourselves." Junya said with a smile.

Huanhuan also understands that this loss can only be eaten up.

What else can I do when I meet someone like the other party?

Huang Meiling is quite on the road, and sent a text message to Junya: "Miss Jun is really very sorry, our schedule has a little conflict, so there is really no way for Huang Ping to sign this contract. Please understand. Two days I went to my house to apologize personally, and there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future. I will definitely cooperate with all my strength. Please understand."

The other party's attitude was very sincere and very polite, so Junya had to put this matter aside for the time being.

But as Huanhuan said, how can one or two apologies make up for the wasted so much material and manpower?

When Lu Yiyang knew about this, he smiled and said, "There is no way to do this. Let's do this first. Some accounts will be settled later."


The award ceremony of the Golden Image Awards was held as scheduled.

On that day, the stars gathered and the stars were shining.

Although the weather has begun to cool down, the stars who come and go are still dressed in thin clothes.

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