Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 4041: Audit is nothing but

Ming Rui curled her lips and looked at her: "The script of Director Wu has not been reviewed. It should be Ye Yushi's idea."

"Her idea? Didn't she invest in this movie? She also asked Nan Yu to participate in the second female role. Why did she use means." Su Ling didn't have the same key points.

Ming Rui said briefly.

Su Ling suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case. Then they are happy now. I have already chosen another movie. They have the capital to use Nan Yu to fight with Director Wu."

These are also conventional means of competition in the entertainment industry, and Su Ling has seen a lot of them before, but it doesn't feel strange.

Originally, for Su Ling, the two movies had conflicting schedules, and she could only choose one at most.

It's just that I feel melancholy and regretful.

Mingrui looked at her and smiled: "Are you upset?"

"It's not unhappy. If Ye Yushi doesn't use any means, I don't know how to choose. Now that's the case, she can be regarded as helping to make a choice."

"Well, feel relieved to shoot this one." Ming Rui did not reveal that the Tomb Robber script had been suppressed by him for the time being.

Let's talk about it at that time, lest this little woman has been worried about the two dramas and has too much burden in her heart.

He still hoped that her life was easier.


Ye Yushi knew that Su Ling had already set up Director Xu's job and was very satisfied.

In this way, Su Ling could not cooperate with Director Wu.

Then she will wait until Director Wu chooses Nan Yu to be a competent heroine.

She called the assistant: "Push to review things over there."

"Miss Ye, I'm already urging. But the review is just over there."

"What's the matter?" Ye Yushi asked.

"I don't know what's going on. I asked, and people said that the people above hadn't given it to me. The urges I had several times were of no effect." The assistant said embarrassedly.

Ye Yushi had no choice but to discuss with Peter.

Peter meant that he would directly find the leader he knows to come out for dinner and ask about the situation.

They are also old acquaintances, and they have always cooperated with each other, and they have a good relationship with each other.

However, when Ye Yushi called, that person shrugged off and was unwilling to go out for dinner, and said that he was very busy and didn't have time to eat out in a short time.

Right now, Ye Yushi was dumbfounded.

She immediately asked about the review of the script, and she said it very simply: "Didn’t you ask you to hold it down temporarily, but you can’t review it? Pressing and pressing will cause problems, and it will be reviewed again. As for when it will pass. , Now it’s not necessarily."

After speaking, the other party hung up on the excuse of being busy.

Ye Yushi really did not expect such a result.

She looked at Peter dumbfounded.

Peter didn't expect it either.

They searched for some more relationships, but the other party said they couldn't do anything about it. No one can be sure when the script will pass the trial.

The script cannot be reviewed, of course, it cannot be filmed, because even if it is filmed, it is still in the bottom of the box.

The work of the entire crew had to stop.

Director Wu was very angry, but there was nothing to do.

This project was immediately delayed.

Su Ling's filming on Dao Xu's first day went well.

Because this movie is a realistic theme, it is not difficult to shoot, and there are no action scenes, but the requirements for acting skills are a little higher.

Su Ling is still very easy to control.

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