Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 4048: I do not know how?

Wu Sisi is jeweled, holding a valuable handbag, unlike what she used to be when she was a group performer, she is like two people, now she is a complete lady.

Only when she saw Su Ling, her gaze began to dodge.

Sister Heng didn't expect Ming Rui to be here... He really followed quickly, and he didn't see him for a while, so he couldn't wait to follow.

"Su Ling, people have brought it." Sister Heng brought Wu Sisi in.

Su Ling glanced at Ming Rui and said, "This is my former sister-in-law. Sister Heng and I are here to deal with her affairs."

Ming Rui's eyebrows stretched a lot, and said, "Sit down."

Wu Sisi sat down and Su Ling hurriedly asked: "Sister-in-law, I am Su Ling. You must remember me, right? I came to you to ask about Xiao Su Tang."

"I'm really not your sister-in-law, you may really recognize the wrong person..."

"Really? Don't quibble, I've checked everything clearly." Sister Heng patted her on the shoulder, "If you really are not Su Ling's sister-in-law, let's go directly to Boss Li."

"Don't go to him." Wu Sisi said hurriedly. Obviously, she was worried about exposing her true identity in front of Boss Wu and losing her current generous life.

"Then talk about it." Sister Heng sat down.

Wu Sisi didn't mean to speak yet.

Su Ling said: "Sister-in-law, you are not dead, why don't you come to me and Xiao Su Tang, where have you been these days? Also, Xiao Su Tang is obviously your birth, what is going on, why her DNA Tests show that she is my biological daughter?"

Su Ling asked a lot of questions.

Ming Rui sat next to Su Ling with a compelling aura. His body was tilted towards Su Ling, and he was extremely slanted towards her.

Wu Sisi finally spoke: "Su Ling, I am sorry for you. But I have difficulties."

"Tell me, I want to know everything."

Su Ling's heart really hid many questions.

Wu Sisi saw that Ming Rui was stern and deep, and Su Ling and Heng sisters also looked like they didn't stop at their goals, and knew in his heart that they had no choice but to speak out.

"Su Ling, you also know that when I was with your eldest brother, we were all unsupervised children. At that time, your eldest brother had a serious illness and needed a lot of money to be treated..."

"Why don't I know?" Su Ling was surprised.

"Of course you don’t know. At that time, you were only sixteen or seventeen. It was just when you needed to study, not to mention that your studies are very tight. Your elder brother can’t tell you anything. Besides, even if you tell you, you are still just a High school student, besides worrying, what can you do?" Wu Sisi showed a wry smile.

Su Ling only knew about this matter now, and his heart was full of regret. It turned out that Big Brother had to bear so much at that time.

But she didn't even know, not only didn't help the eldest brother, she didn't even care about it at all.

Ming Rui held her palm, seeming to comfort her.

Wu Sisi continued: "There is no way, I had to find a way to make money. But your eldest brother and I belonged to no education, no skills, and no family members. If you want to raise so much money in a short time, how easy is it? At that time? We have thought of everything we can think of, but it still doesn’t have much effect."

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