Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 805: Very familiar

As Lu Zhanting came in, the two people on the sofa stood up and expressed welcome.

Lu Zhanting saw that one of them was short and should be King Sha Heng, and the other was tall, with piercing eyes, and should be Prince Shah Yiwen.

Unexpectedly, because of Chen Haiming's incident, people in other countries would be alarmed.

This Chen Haiming is really cunning among cunning.

Sha Heng grumbled a few words. Lu Zhanting could speak several foreign languages, and he had studied the language of Elia, but he couldn't understand what Sha Heng was saying.

The translator immediately said: "Young Master Ting, the king and prince welcome you over."

"I have an appointment with the prince to discuss the business development of the two countries." Lu Zhan said with his jaws, neither humble nor overbearing.

As the president of the International Chamber of Commerce, his position has far surpassed his father, Lu Yaoshi, the president of the former Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, in this capacity, he can come to meet Sha Heng and Sha Yiwen without Mingyu's consent.

"Okay, very good, the prince is also very happy to be able to talk about business matters with Ting Shao." The translator politely conveyed Sha Yiwen's words.

King Sha Heng never said anything. He sat on the sofa and looked calm, but did not reply.

It seemed that he seemed a bit rejected from a thousand miles away.

Lu Zhanting couldn't help but glanced at him more and found that his eyes that leaked out of the white scarf looked very gentle and beautiful. Although they showed a sense of majesty, Lu Zhanting felt that these eyes seemed to be where they were. He felt very familiar with seeing ordinary ones.

Where have you seen it? But Lu Zhanting couldn't remember for a while.

He could only look back and talk to Shah Yiwen.

Fortunately, he had already dealt with the business affairs of Elia, so there was no pressure to talk about it.

As far as Lu Zhanting knew, Chen Haiming was also in this house.

This house is not very big, it is the place where the President of the s country specially prepared them to stay.

Only a few people know what they brought Chen Haiming over.

Chen Haiming should be locked here.

Lu Zhanting's heart tightened when he thought that Mo Chenyi would take a personal risk to get rid of Chen Haiming.

Although Sha Heng lived with few people, and although Sha Heng and Sha Yiwen didn't take Chen Haiming seriously, Lu Zhanting discovered it when he came in. There are many alarm systems inside. It is easy for people to get in but difficult to get out.

Mo Chenyi will definitely not bother to come in, with his skill, none of this is in China.

But if he wants to go out, especially to take Chen Haiming out, it will certainly not be that easy.

By the time Sha Heng stayed, let alone catch Mo Chenyi directly, even if he could not catch Mo Chenyi and lose Chen Haiming, it would cause a lot of trouble to the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Lu Zhanting's mind turned like electricity, his eyes were sharp, and he soon noticed that someone else had entered the house, it should be Mo Chenyi.

Land Zhan Ting immediately said to Sha Yiwen politely: "Prince, I want to go to the bathroom, it's troublesome."

The interpreter immediately conveyed Shayman’s meaning: “Ting is young, but it’s okay to go. The butler will go with you and help you lead the way.”

The housekeeper immediately came forward and led Lu Zhanying towards the bathroom.

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