Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 815: Taste a lot of sweetness

However, her temperament also allows her to taste a lot of sweetness in this kind of thing, and never feel that this thing is too suffering.

After savoring the sweetness and joy, she didn't have much strength anymore, and even her voice was so dumb.

After Lu Zhanting helped her clean up, he wrapped her in his generous chest and let her close her eyes and sleep peacefully.


Early the next morning, Lu Zhanting sent Yun Wei back to school.

After a winter break, she is about to reinvest in her studies.

As soon as Yun Wei arrived at school, Aunt Ji knocked on her on the Internet: "Blue Sky, there is a big order, Splendid can't handle it, you have to trouble you to deal with it yourself."

"What order?" Yun Wei is used to the better and better business of Lanyun Studio.

She already has a screening mechanism to exclude many ordinary customers from the threshold.

But the more this is the case, the more powerful and powerful it is.

Yun Wei had no choice but to follow the big business that could make money.

"It's a man named Mingjianuo. She should be the president's daughter. She wants to customize a necklace." Aunt Ji didn't know the situation in Jingzhou City, so she was quite excited to talk about it, and even made several expressions.

If she knew that in Jingzhou City, Mingjianuo had always wanted to **** Lu Zhanting from Yunwei, I'm afraid this list would have been eliminated from her side.

"Mingjianuo?" Yun Wei murmured in her heart, isn't her grandfather from Zhang's jewelry, why is it difficult to want a necklace?

But I want to come here because of the reputation of Lanyun Studio.

But Yun Wei was absolutely unwilling to take her order, and refused in one fell swoop: "I refused."

Aunt Ji has no doubts, knowing that Lantian's temper has always been like this, even if the other party's bid is high, but it doesn't meet Lantian's intention, Lantian will unceremoniously refuse.

"Good." Aunt Ji immediately typed a word.

After Yun Wei rejected Mingjianuo, she felt very refreshed. This Mingjianuo wanted to be good at everything. Why?

It would be fine if she worked hard by herself, but relying on the favor of the family, she would grab one and the other. Yun Wei really hated her, saying that if she didn't take her order, she would not take it, and Mingyu would not take it!

When the subordinates found Ming Ye Leng tremblingly, Ming Ye Leng asked, "Is it done?"

"The young master... from the Lanyun studio, he said he wouldn't accept this list from the young lady." The subordinates don't know what to say, no matter whether they say good things or intimidate them, Lanyun studio can't accept this. Monad.

"What? You didn't say that it was from the presidential palace?" Mingye Leng also really couldn't figure out, who would reject Mingyanuo.

"The young master who said... but the other party just refused to take it." The subordinates also said helplessly.

Ming Ye Leng stood up and said, "Who are they, so arrogant?"

"I heard that a foreign boss is holding the holding, and it doesn't give anyone any face at all. Their custom jewelry is really made according to the mood. They never fear the ideas of the powerful. But because of this, they have become popular. "Yes." The subordinate said hurriedly, not to deliberately praise Lanyun Studio, but to explain the situation more clearly, so that we can deal with Mingye.

Tomorrow night, he coldly curled his eyebrows. Who is the boss behind this scene, who has such a temper, even the presidential palace is not in his eyes?

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