Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 829: Can't wait for lips

The aisle was a little dark again, and the lights were unclearly hitting people, making it impossible to tell who it was for a while.

Mingjianuo imitated everything about Yunwei, clothes, hair, makeup, and height.

Let alone a man with face blindness like Lu Zhanting.

Even if other ordinary people see Mingjianuo like this, I am afraid they will only regard her as Yunwei for a while, instead of treating her as Mingjianuo.

"Ting..." Mingjianuo leaned on Lu Zhanting, and she could not help being very intoxicated when she smelled the intoxicating and strong man's breath on him.

This moment is really the moment she dreams of.

She always wanted to get close to him and let him hold herself, but Lu Zhanting had never had such tenderness for her.

But soon, Mingcano will get his wish.

Lu Zhan Ting does have a serious face blindness. He usually remembers people entirely by his strong memory. Remembering people's clothes, hairstyles, and other details of their body movements is not very clear at all.

Adding to the fact that Mingcano was learning Yunwei's dressing up again, the dressing seemed like seven to eight.

"Weiwei..." Lu Zhanting wanted to get close to her, as long as he got close to her, he could let everything he had, the source of all his thoughts, all the heat, he could let go in front of her.

Mingjianuo was extremely happy, and now she was finally about to get Lu Zhanting, even if he was calling someone else's name, it didn't matter.

She raised her head and wanted to kiss the eager lips of Land War Ting.

But when she raised her head, Lu Zhanting recognized that she was not Yun Wei at all!

Although he has a serious face blindness, he can't even tell the difference between Mingjianuo and other women.

But for Yun Wei alone, it is impossible for him to distinguish clearly.

Anyone else had simple facial features and faces in his eyes.

But Yunwei is different.

For him, she is a unique existence, a completely different existence.

He can distinguish her eyebrows, her smile, and distinguish her from other people at a glance among the masked people of the vast crowd.

When Mingjianuo was about to put his lips on, Lu Zhanting suddenly realized that something was wrong with her.

No, she is not Yunwei!

When he thought that she was not Yun Wei, but was about to get close to him, Lu Zhanting's whole body of vigilance came back again, not knowing where the strength came from, he actually pushed Mingjianuo away.

Mingjianuo was pushed away, unable to help but feel bitter and angry.

Mrs. Ming had already told her just now that as long as Lu Zhanting took the medicine, it would be impossible for him to have the strength to resist it except for one part of his body.

But he pushed her away!

No, he has no strength to resist.

Mingjianuo thought of this, and immediately stepped forward, grabbing Lu Zhanting's hands, and forced him to hug herself, but she quickly began to take off her clothes.

Lu Zhanting's reason has almost collapsed, and his body is completely immobile, but there is always a trace of clarity telling him that this is not Yunwei, this is not Yunwei!

Mingcano was about to drill into his arms naked.

The scene suddenly got out of control very badly.

Lu Zhanting seemed to be unable to make any sound in his throat. Although he tried his best to call Yunwei's name, it was noisy in other places. Who would hear his voice?

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