Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 831: He actually helped her?

Yun Wei's skills are fairly flexible. Although this thin and tall subordinate has good skills, Yun Wei still barely avoided this thin and tall subordinate.

But she already felt something bad in her heart.

No matter what this man wants to do to him, as long as the matter becomes serious, it is definitely not good for him.

This is the Presidential Palace, and all the dignitaries of Jingzhou City come here. Although he has the backing of Lu Zhanting, no matter who, he will definitely only face the Hanlin Palace, not himself at all.

If something messes up, it will be yourself who will be ugly or responsible.

Her mind turned like electricity, but she still couldn't escape the control of the lanky subordinate.

Seeing that the tall and thin subordinate was about to grab her, Yun Wei couldn't call for help, and suddenly stretched out a palm, walked around behind the tall and thin subordinate, and stunned him.

It's not that the tall and thin subordinates are incapable, but that the person who suddenly appeared is good at his own skills. In addition, he was caught off guard. The tall and thin subordinate was indeed thinking about how to catch Yunwei, so he was caught. The attack was successful.

The lanky subordinate fell to the ground, Yun Wei immediately looked at the person who had saved her and asked, "Who are you? Why save me?"

"It's too late... Ting Shao has something wrong, you must rush over right away." The man was Sha Heng's subordinate, and he said in a low voice.

Yun Wei hesitated: "Why do you make me believe you?"

The person backhanded out Lu Zhanting's wallet, which he had touched when he was helping Lu Zhanting just now.

Yun Wei recognized that it was Lu Zhanting's wallet, because she gave it to him personally, and Lu Zhanting would never leave this wallet.

If he had obtained all his wallets for this person, Yun Wei would have to follow him, regardless of whether this person was in good faith or malicious, because Yun Wei was really worried that Lu Zhanting would have any accidents.

Therefore, she no longer hesitated to say: "Okay, I will go with you."

Sha Heng's subordinates took Yun Wei upstairs immediately and let her go to the cold room tomorrow night. Just now in a hurry, they brought Lu Zhanting into the cold room tomorrow night.

Yun Wei recognized that this was a cold room tomorrow night, because when Mingyu was punished by Mingyu when he drove a fast car on the cold night, Yun Wei had been with Lu Zhanting.

Seeing that it was a cold room tomorrow night, she hesitated even more.

"Lu Zhanting is inside." The person speaking this time was not Sha Heng's subordinate, but a vague voice that was not clear.

Yun Wei immediately looked at the man, and saw the person who was speaking, wearing a headscarf, and her whole body covered with long clothes. It turned out to be Sha Heng himself.

And what he said turned out to be the language of the country S, but when he was talking to Yunwei, he was not the female voice like just now, but the voice of a man deliberately pretended to be.

Yun Wei was stunned, but Sha Heng actually helped her? why?

As a king of another country, what conspiracies and attempts does he have?

Seeing Yun Wei stunned, Sha Heng said in a low voice: "He has been drugged."

Yun Wei was shocked, and immediately pushed the door in. She saw a man lying on the cold bed tomorrow night. With her familiarity with Lu Zhanting, she immediately recognized that this was Lu Zhanting, not someone else.

She didn't care to say anything to Sha Heng and others, and immediately walked towards Lu Zhanting.

Sha Heng and his subordinates breathed a sigh of relief temporarily when Yun Wei had entered.

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