Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 846: Torn a bit badly

Ming Ye gave him a cold glance: "I won't keep you anyway."

"However, the people in the Presidential Palace prescribed medicine to me, and some people are plotting against Yunwei. This matter should always be made clear. Otherwise, wouldn't the Presidential Palace become a land of scourges and make people unable to come?" Lu Zhanting raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully.

Hearing the words "someone is plotting against Yunwei", Ming Ye Leng would know that this must have nothing to do with Mingjianuo's incident.

That thin and tall bodyguard was definitely arranged to assault Yunwei. As a result, who knew that he would be wrong when he met Mingjianuo who was dressed exactly like Yunwei.

Ming Ye Leng didn't want things to get worse, after all, he already knew who did it.

Ming Ye Leng looked a little cold, and said, "Go downstairs and talk to my father."

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei were about to take a step, and he went on to say, "Tonight, Jiajia was almost assaulted."

Both Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei were taken aback, but they knew in their hearts that something major had happened to the Presidential Palace tonight.

After speaking coldly tomorrow night, Yun Wei caught sight of it.

Yun Wei shrank in the arms of Lu Zhanting, her own clothes were already put on, but she was torn a bit badly when Lu Zhanting was doing physical activities before, and now the upper body is a little unclothed.

Mingye gritted his teeth, grabbed a shirt from his cloakroom and said, "Take it."

Yun Wei looked down and realized the bad condition of her clothes. She hurriedly hugged herself with her arms, and stretched out her hands for the cold clothes tomorrow night.

Lu Zhanting did not want Yun Wei to wear clothes that would be cold tomorrow, so he took off his coat and gave it to Yun Wei, and threw the clothes that would be cold tomorrow.

After a cold snort tomorrow night, he turned around and strode downstairs.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei then followed him downstairs. They glanced at the time subconsciously and found that it was not too late, but there were no guests.

The cakes in the living room are still full, obviously not cut.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei looked at each other, knowing that tonight Mingyu's birthday party ended very rashly.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei originally wanted to ask the Presidential Palace for justice on their own affairs, but now it seems that the Presidential Palace has no intention of handling other people's affairs.

When Mingyu saw them walking downstairs, his face became even darker.

He looked at Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei: "What's the matter with you, where did you go?"

"Mr. President, I was drugged at the Presidential Palace tonight, and I was unconscious. Yun Wei was also assaulted by a bodyguard. Fortunately, we resolved it in time and did not cause any major problems. Otherwise, even the Presidential Palace would follow us. Disturbed." Lu Zhanting said neither humble nor arrogant, "Just now, Yun Wei and I were in A Leng's room upstairs."

Mingyu is also an extremely smart person. Hearing that Lu Zhanting was drugged and Yunwei was assaulted by bodyguards, coupled with Mingjianuo's affairs, some things were almost obvious.

He closed his eyes, a trace of helplessness appeared on his face.

Ming Ye Leng also followed, "Father, if there is nothing wrong, let them go back first."

"Go back." Mingyu opened his eyes and returned to his usual elegant and capable appearance.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei joined hands and turned away.

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