Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 875: Like full of stars

She was obviously punishing him, but now she became the one who was punished.

Oh, this is not fair.

Lu Zhanting gently kissed her lips: "If you want to eat, try your best to get enough."

"But I..." Yun Wei's mind was chaotic.

Lu Zhanting held her waist and ate her fiercely.

"Yeah..." Yun Wei was full after eating this bite, and the pores all over her body were suddenly dispersed, and she bit her lip with soul flying away.

Seeing her eating happily, Lu Zhanting naturally wanted to feed her continuously.

She opened her mouth and bit his shoulder.

The feeling of extinction came quickly and fiercely, shocking Yunwei's brain into a blank.

However, Lu Zhanting would not let her go. He had tolerated so hard just now. Now that he can eat her, how could he be merciful?

In the small space in the entire carriage, breathing and groaning mixed into a moving music.

I don't know how long it took before Yun Wei panted and found herself still in the arms of Lu Zhanting.

She pushed him with weak hands: "You're bad, don't hold me."

Seeing her charming look, Lu Zhanting curled his lips: "Didn't you forgive me just now?"

"Nothing." Yun Wei tried to leave him with both hands and feet, but her body was soft, and she could only lie in his arms and be hugged by him.

"Hey, don't move first." Lu Zhanting hugged her, just wanting to hug her right now.

Yun Wei hummed twice, and the piglet slid into his arms likewise.

Lu Zhanting is in a very good mood now, and he whispered, "Don't be angry. Just now I really thought that you love other men more than me. I'm jealous, so I will say that. I will never say that kind of **** again. Up."

"You know you are a jerk." Yunwei's furry head poked out of his arms.

"If the only man you love is me, naturally there will be no jerk." Lu Zhanting chuckled his lips.

Yun Wei actually understood his intentions, so naturally she didn't get angry anymore.

It's just a bit arrogant.

Lu Zhanting asked in a low voice, "Weiwei, what's the matter with your mommy?"

"Yeah, I was about to tell you just now. I was interrupted by you, so I can't say it at all." Yun Wei got up, looked at him and said, "You know what, my mom is still alive, my mom Mi is really alive!"

There was an expression of joy on her face, and her eyes were filled with stars.

Lu Zhanting was also happy for her. The expression on her face now was the expression that appeared just holding "Sha Heng", happy and satisfied. It was not because of other men, but because she found her mother and recovered.

"Weiwei, I'm really happy for you," Lu Zhanting said sincerely, seeing her happy face, he had nothing to ask for.

"Thank you." Yun Wei hugged him and gave him a heavy kiss on the cheek.

Lu Zhanting smiled: "What the **** is going on? Didn't you say that your mom had a car accident seven years ago?"

"I don't know what's going on. Mommy didn't tell me for the time being. But when Mommy was in a car accident seven years ago, the car was smashed, but she disappeared. That position is a cliff, and she is close to the sea. , We didn’t even salvage the remains..." Yun Wei turned her head and said with a smile on her face, "I really didn’t expect that Mommy is fine, she is still alive, if I knew she was still alive, I would definitely I went to find her early in the morning."

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