Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 905: Bad quality

Lu Zhanting patted her shoulder and whispered, "Weiwei, go to sleep first."

Yun Wei couldn't hold it anymore, and Lu Zhanting gently coaxed her to sleep, and she became too sleepy, and fell asleep in Lu Zhanting's arms.

Lu Zhanting looked out the window of the car, and continued to wait to see if anything happened.

Sure enough, without waiting for a long time, conditions began to appear on the cargo ship.

Lu Zhan Ting immediately looked at that side vigilantly. Sure enough, someone touched the direction of the cargo ship. It seemed that they were indeed two groups of people, because they felt that they were independent, and those people were not as well-trained as Mr. Zhang's people. , Should be Jin Shengsheng and the person who delights in jewelry.

Don't know what they are doing again?

Lu Zhan Ting stayed on hold for the time being. These people were just ordinary subordinates. The real behind-the-scenes masters did not come forward. Now they can't catch the current situation when they go out, only what they do.

Lu Zhanting awakened Yunwei, Yunwei yawned gracefully, and suddenly awakened and said, "Are the people from Jin Shengsheng and Joy Jewelry here?"

"It should be, look." Lu Zhanting whispered.

Yun Wei immediately looked outside, only to see that those people also moved some things to the cargo ship of Yun's Jewelry, and all the things of Yun's Jewelry into their cargo ship.

There was a good show, Yun Wei was full of energy and said excitedly: "I don't know what they are going to do?

"Let's take a look first." Lu Zhanting said.

Yun Wei watched with excitement, wishing to step forward to help them move things in person.

After a while, it calmed down over there.

It seemed that they had finished the exchange, but it was a pity that the goods they exchanged were not the goods of Yun's jewelry, but the goods that Mr. Zhang had arranged for someone to leave.

Yun Wei was about to get up and said, "I'll go and see what they have changed."

"Forget it, don't act rashly. I'll let Lu Tian go and see. The rest will wait until tomorrow." Lu Zhanting said, and it was cold outside, and the early morning breeze on the beach was heavy, and he didn't want to wrong Yunwei.

Yun Wei was held down by him, so she could only stare outside.

You can’t go out and check yourself now, you can only wait for tomorrow.

Lu Tian went to take a look, took the bracelet and ring holder back, and said to Lu Zhanting: "Master, when the first group of people came just now, we exchanged our goods, leaving behind the bracelet and ring holder. "

Yun Wei picked it up and saw that the quality of these items was very bad to the naked eye. She glanced at it: "Master Zhang just used these items to exchange so many good items of our Yun's jewelry? What a beautiful thing! "

"Yes, the first group of people exchanged these things for our things. Fortunately, we were prepared to replace the real goods and put some useless rough stones in it." Lu Tian said with a smile.

Yun Wei took the bracelet and ring holder and looked at it for a while, and said, "But although these things are inferior, they are imitations that look decent, and most people can't see the difference in quality. If I don't understand the mystery. , I was really succeeded by Mr. Zhang. If I use these inferior products and sell these inferior products, wouldn't I be caught by Mr. Zhang and advertised?"

"Master Zhang, his intentions are really sinister. He tried his best to destroy the reputation of Yun's jewelry." Lu Zhanting gritted his teeth fiercely.

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