Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 911: Get along alone

"How inconvenient? Is it possible that in front of so many people, what else would I do to you?" Mingyu smiled.

"That's not the case. Mr. President has a lot of opportunities every day. I'm really sorry to delay your time." Yun Lan said.

"It's okay." Mingyu said lightly. "As my subordinate, I can talk to you too, right?"

"I don't know if Mr. President has any enlightenment?" Yun Lan asked.

I remembered that Yun Lan was studying at the Gem Association when he was at the Royal Business School. Mingyu, like the cold tomorrow, happened to go to various majors to understand the situation and get to know Yun Lan.

At that time, I was enamored with each other, but the affection was slight, and no one had pierced the window paper.

Mingyu feels that there is still a lot of time, and is not in a hurry. As a girl, Yun Lan can't say much.

But overnight, things changed for no reason, Mingyu agreed to marry the Zhang family, and Yun Lan hurried back to Hengzhou City.

The two people had their own thoughts in their hearts, but they never confided any news to each other.

After the separation, the two had children almost at the same time, and this incident was as if it had never happened before, and the past followed the wind in a blink of an eye.

The two people are standing here now, the wind is passing by, everything seems to be the same as when they were young and frivolous, and they both seem to be young and young.

But many things have always changed.

Mingyu didn't have anything to say to Yun Lan, but if he said something he didn't say, but he had a lot of words, but he wanted to speak, but he didn't know where to start.

In the end, Yun Lan broke the silence: "If Mr. President has no enlightenment, then I will leave first."

She was indeed escaping, and she couldn't bear the two being alone.

"Yun Lan, what is your relationship with Sha Heng?" Mingyu blurted out.

Yun Lan's expression changed, but the emotion of surprise only disappeared in a flash. She immediately recovered her calm and said with a smile: "What Mr. President said, I don't understand."

"It's okay, go ahead." Mingyu closed his eyes again and said.

Yun Lan turned and left.

Mingyu looked at her back with an inexplicable expression on her face.

Yun Lan was very surprised. Could it be that Yu found out that she once pretended to be Sha Heng?

Although there was a reason for the incident, Yun Lan deceived Mingyu. If she sat down, it would always be a serious crime of deception. I don't know if Mingyu thinks she is colluding with people from other countries, or even implicating the Lu Zhanting family?

But Yun Lan turned to the thought that now that Sha Heng has announced his death, Sha Yiwen has long been in power, and even if Mingyu notices something, he can't pursue this matter.

When she came and refused to admit it, even Mingyu couldn't help her.

Thinking of this, Yun Lan relaxed again, and walked away briskly.

Mingyu kept watching Yun Lan's figure disappear into his sight.

In fact, what happened to Sha Heng was not what Mingyu found out. It was just that when he saw Sha Heng’s eyes before, Mingyu felt strangely familiar. At that time, he wanted to know what happened to Sha Heng and Yun Lan. what relationship.

But it didn't take long for the news of Sha Heng's death to come out, and Yun Lan also returned, Mingyu didn't think much.

He just blurted out anxiously, it wasn't that he had any news or secrets.

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