Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 913: Beautiful scenery

When Mingyu said this, Mingye was cold for a moment, and said, "That's not true."

"You go to your own business," Mingyu said.

Ming Ye had a cold jaw and turned and left. Perhaps, he thought too much, his father had no other thoughts about Yun Lan and Yun Wei?

Ming Ye Leng was just out of intuition. He felt that his father was a little unusual about the Yun family. As a son, he certainly didn't want his father to have any other ideas.

But as a man, even he thinks Yun Wei is very attractive and has a high attraction to him. Presumably his father is the same to Yun Lan, right?

However, Ming Ye Leng didn't think about it anymore. His father's identity was special. If he indulged him in regards to Yun Lan, he wouldn't do anything extraordinary.

Thinking of this, he was relieved.

However, Yun's Jewelry has had such a big event, and the dust will settle as soon as the president can be selected. I don't know what Yun's Jewelry will do?


In a blink of an eye, the post of President of the Gems Association will enter the final election process.

Mrs. Ming is very confident and confident.

Mrs. Zhang is also very confident. Mrs. Ming is able to win this victory. He smiled and said, "Yun’s Jewelry seems to be nothing more than that. When a customer comes forward and points out that they are using fakes, they panic. It is not worth it. Just a mention. This time, it will be like, I think you have great hopes."

"Yes, father, this time Yun's jewelry has a fake product, and its reputation is extremely bad. I think they will not be our opponent this time." Mrs. Ming laughed.

"Mom, you must defeat Yun Lan and Yun Wei!" Mingjianuo said loudly from the side.

"Of course, good girl." Mrs. Ming smiled.

Mingjianuo has been extremely uncomfortable since he met Mingyu talking to Yun Lan last time. If it hadn’t been said that would hurt Mingyu’s image, with her temperament, she would have used this incident to promote the destruction of Yun Lan’s reputation. Up.

She also knew that her family had to rely on her father's presidency in order to maintain the current good life. If Mingyu had a problem, her status as the proud daughter of heaven would be lost.

So she can only keep this secret and watch her mother defeat Yun Lan and officially become the president of the Gem Association, so that she can dispel her breath.

Today is the final election. Mrs. Ming put on decent clothes, put on decent makeup, and appeared on the scene early in the morning.

When she came to the scene, Yun Lan also came early in the morning.

Compared with Mrs. Ming's dignity and splendid dress, Yun Lan looked much lighter.

She dresses casually and reveals elaborate decorations, but it is not too grand and dignified, which is very suitable for today's occasion.

Her makeup is also very natural, there is almost no trace of makeup, but everything is just right, it looks very clean, delicate and beautiful.

Wherever she and Yun Wei appeared casually, it was a beautiful landscape.

The artificial makeup and retouching marks on the bodies of Mrs. Ming and Mincano are too heavy. Although beautiful is beautiful, it lacks natural and pure beauty.

It was neither Ming Yu who presided over the election today—he was too noble, and he was married to Mrs. Ming. The status was not appropriate, nor was it Lu Yaoshi and Lu Zhanting. They were related to Yun Lan, and it was not appropriate.

Therefore, the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce of the People's Republic of China was appointed to preside over the election meeting.

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