Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 919: Continue the election

Mingjianuo snorted, obviously not taking Yun Lan's words to heart.

Mrs. Ming said with a smile: "Then now, let's beg the vice chairman to continue this election."

The vice chairman gave a light cough, cleared his throat and said, "Okay, let's continue. Now Mrs. Ming and Yun Lan have similar problems, but both sides have solved them smoothly. The strength of the two is really good. It’s not the same, it’s hard to make a decision..."

"Vice President, I want to request one more thing." Yun Lan pleaded with a smile.

Yun Lan has always been gentle and polite, and the whole person behaves very generously. Compared with Mingjianuo's impatient interrupting others, it is still very flattering.

The vice chairman said: "Please tell me."

"It's like this... We shipped some useless rough stones before Yun's Jewelry. These rough stones were all used by us. There was some pollution. We went to the port by sea to destroy these rough stones. But I didn't expect it, I don't know. Who is it that took away our rough stones? The pollution of these rough stones is very serious, and it is really unsafe to shed out. Therefore, I want to implore the vice president to find these rough stones no matter what." Lan said, "This is for the general public, but also for the city of Jingzhou and the entire country."

"Is there such a thing?" the vice president said immediately, "then we will definitely go all out."

Mrs. Ming is already a little impatient: "Ms. Yun Lan, how many things do you have to say? Under such circumstances, do you do your own personal affairs?"

"How can this be my own personal business? Yun's jewellery lost the contaminated rough, and I must find it, otherwise, what if some citizens get sick due to pollution?" Yun Lan said loudly.

Others nodded one after another: "Since there is pollution, it must be found as soon as possible. I just don't know what clues?"

Mingjianuo also interrupted and said: "Yun Lan, this is what you are wrong. Since you have dropped the contaminated rough, you should find it early to avoid harm. Now you said, do you still say your Yun's jewelry management is very effective? I think that when you become the president, these mistakes will appear."

Yun Lan smiled and said: "It's not that I don't want to find it, but that this sea area and port belong to the area under the jurisdiction of Mrs. Ming. So even if we lose something from Yun's jewelry, we have to rely on Mrs. Ming to find it. It."

"Of course, my mother is the best. Let my mother help you find what you have lost." Seeing such an opportunity to show off, Mingjiano certainly wanted to take it over to Mrs. Ming right away.

Yun Lan smiled and said: "There are some clues. We just recorded some videos at that time. Vice President, can I show them to everyone?"

The vice president is the most responsible. As soon as he heard that the matter is of great importance, he immediately said: "Okay, you will broadcast it. After the matter is resolved, it will not be too late to elect the president.

Mrs. Ming and Mingjianuo didn't know that this was Yun Lan and Yun Wei's strategy, and they waited happily.

In fact, Yun Lan wanted to play the scene of Master Zhang, Jin Shengsheng and Joy Jewellery successively swapping Yun's jewelry goods that night. Even if he could not bring down Master Zhang, it would be a great blow to him.

Sure enough, Father Zhang seemed to have guessed something, and his face became a little ugly.

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