Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 936: Miss Yunlan is none other than

Mingyu looked upright and said loudly: "Thanks to Yun Lan, Yun Wei, and Lu Zhanting's help to solve and deal with this matter, we have successfully resolved the issue of Gersburg and obtained such a good treasure."

"Yeah, yeah, the solution of this matter is really clever. Otherwise, Gesburg doesn't know what the trouble is. Now the people in Gesburg are convinced." Someone smiled and said. .

"The most rare thing is that Miss Yun's ability to recognize jade beads is absolutely incredible. How can ordinary people see what is in this rough stone? I didn't expect that Miss Yun was really accurate."

"It is the blessing of our country s to have this priceless jade, and it also proves that our national strength is prosperous." Someone said flatly.

Old man Zhang, Mrs. Ming, and Mingjianuo's faces were getting worse and worse.

Yun Wei smiled and said, "Since this matter has also been resolved, why not continue with our previous elections?"

Mingyu said, "Okay, go ahead."

The vice president stood up and said: "Ms. Yun Lan has been elected with a high vote just now. Now that the matter is resolved, Yun's Jewelry has helped a lot, so the candidate for the president is Miss Yun Lan."

Old man Zhang could only grit his teeth, and Mrs. Ming also bowed her head in frustration, Ming Jianuo stamped her feet with anger.

But what can they do? Just now they thought they could stand up on the issue of Gersburg, but who knew that they were also incapable and could only watch Yun Wei and Yun Lan stand out.

Now they can never stand up and make trouble, right?

Hearing the announcement from the vice president, Yun Wei immediately smiled and said, "Congratulations, Mommy."

"Congratulations, mom." Lu Zhanting said sincerely from the side.

Others also looked at Yun Lan with a smile, and for a while, the sound of congratulations filled the entire hall.

The vice president smiled and said, "I really congratulate Miss Yun Lan. Miss Yun will be in charge of the Gem Association of Jingzhou City in the future. I believe she can use her ability to lead everyone to a better place."

"Thank you for your love, I will definitely work hard and live up to my high expectations." Yun Lan said openly.

"Okay, the vice president will help Yun Lan deal with the work. The rest of the work will be handed over slowly." Mingyu said, looking at Mr. Zhang again, "Please also President Zhang to help Yun Lan take over the work smoothly."

Father Zhang can only say: "Yes."

Mingyu has always governed impartially, and has never favored him because he is his father-in-law. The reason why he has been in power in the Gem Association for so long is because the Zhang family has always been able to do so.

Now Yun Lan has broken this shackle, not only because of Lu Zhanting's help, but also because of Yun Lan and Yun Wei's own abilities.

Therefore, Yun's Jewelry has such a high level of ability, and Mingyu won't get in the way.

The matter was resolved, everyone was smiling.

Only Mrs. Ming and Mingjianuo were really in a bad mood. Seeing that Mingyu seemed to have no objection to Yun Lan's power, the mother and daughter were even more angry with smoke from their noses.

It's just that now, all these things can't be changed by the individual abilities of the mother and daughter.

They can only accept this result.

Yun Wei, Yun Lan, and Lu Zhanting left.

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