Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 964: Check my blood

Yun Lan wiped her tears and calmed down for a while, not wanting Yun Wei to discover the situation.

The entire Lu family and the Yun family were suddenly covered by melancholy because of Yunwei's affairs.

The joy of Yun Wei's return was completely wiped out by this sad cloud.

After returning to the presidential palace tomorrow night, Mingcano happily greeted him and said, "I'll just say that bad guys have their own retribution. What if Yunwei is rescued back? Isn't it just like that again? Huh, God can't see this Yunwei anymore!"

Seeing Ming Ye's cold look indifferent, and not at all consonant with him, Mingjianuo couldn't help but said, "Brother, what's the matter with you? Are you unhappy? Or, can I accompany you to a drink and a big meal? "

"No, I have something to work on." After speaking coldly tomorrow night, he turned upstairs and didn't stay for half a minute.

"What's the matter. I don't care about people's answers. It's always like this. I put on a bad face and don't love them at all." Mingjiano stomped and said.

Tomorrow night, he went upstairs coldly and asked Dr. Qin to come over immediately and said, "Doctor Qin, take my blood to check to see if my heart valve matches Yunwei. If possible, you can tell me right away."

"Master, is this to help Yunwei?" Doctor Qin asked immediately.

"You don't have to worry about that much, just do as I say." Ming Ye said coldly.

Dr. Qin nodded: "Okay, then I will check as soon as possible. As soon as I have news, I will tell the young master."

Nodded coldly tomorrow night.

Doctor Qin took the blood for Mingye Leng, took it away quickly, hurriedly left, and went back for testing.

With the funding of the Presidential Palace, Dr. Qin has a dedicated independent research room and laboratory, and all the equipment is very advanced.

He quickly entered the research room and put down the cold blood tomorrow night.

Just wanted to study, Mrs. Ming had already walked in.

"Madam." Doctor Qin stood up immediately, "Madam personally came, what's the matter?"

"Oh, that's the case. Jiajia and I are almost out of the heart medicines now. I'm afraid that there won't be enough time, so I come to Dr. Qin ahead of time. Dr. Qin will help me prepare some medicine first." Mrs. Ming Said.

Because Mrs. Ming often comes to pick up the medicine in person, Dr. Qin didn't doubt it, and said with a smile: "Then Madam wait a minute, I will get the medicine for you and Miss.

After Dr. Qin finished speaking, he turned to dispense medicine for Mrs. Ming and Mingjianuo.

Mrs. Ming took the cold tube of blood tomorrow night in her hand when no one was paying attention, and replaced it with a new tube of blood.

It is absolutely impossible for her to expose Ming Ye Leng's true identity.

She changed her blood, and Dr. Qin had already prepared the medicine and handed it to her respectfully: "Madam, the medicine for you and the young lady has been divided, and the amount is written on it. You can take it according to the amount. "

"Okay, thanks for your hard work." Mrs. Ming smiled and stood up, "Then I'm leaving."

"Madam walk slowly." Doctor Qin said with a smile.

There was a triumphant smile on Mrs. Ming's lips.

But she didn't know that in the dark place she hadn't seen, there was a pair of eyes looking at her.

Her every move was clearly seen by those eyes, and her move of changing blood did not escape the monitoring of those eyes.

All her secrets have actually begun to be exposed, and they are not as seamless as she thought.

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