Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 970: Mutual intimacy

But in the end, no one is to blame, she is just a mother who wants to save her daughter.

Ming Ye asked coldly: "You are looking for my father, do you really have an affair?"

"Of course not. Although it's a private matter, it's just Yun Wei's business. I want Mr. President to help find some blood. I'm afraid Zhan Ting can't find it for a while." Yun Lan quickly explained.

Ming Ye Leng is a good boy, so she is willing to explain to him.

Ming Ye said coldly, "Since there is no affair, why bother to say sorry?"

"Although there is no personal affair, but I did make you misunderstand." Yun Lan said, "One code is one code, it is my fault."

"Then I'm going to replace Mingjianuo and the entire Ming family and say sorry to you." Ming Ye said coldly, "for what was just now."

Yun Lan suddenly smiled: "You are really different from them. You seem to be a good boy."

"Really? They all say that I am the most like father." Ming Ye said coldly, usually he would not tell so many things to outsiders, but facing Yun Lan, he always made him feel close and willing to talk to her more. say something.

Yun Lan smiled and said, "No, I mean, you are different from the rest of the Ming family."

Yun Lan didn't say anything tomorrow night, so Yun Lan would not say any more.

When I was about to talk, I would find a tube of medicine in the car tomorrow night and hand it to Yun Lan: "This is the abrasion medicine prepared by our family doctor. It is the most effective. Your arm..."

Yun Lan felt a dull pain in her arm, but she didn't notice a bruise on her arm just now.

She took it and smiled: "Thank you."

"It's okay. You don't have to worry too much about Yunwei. I will help." Mingye Leng didn't know what happened. Looking at her frowning eyebrows, she wanted to help her, feeling that she was just He couldn't bear to look at her worried as an elder himself.

Yun Lan said, "Are you willing to help Yun Wei, too?"

"I was originally friends with Yunwei, and I didn't want to see her in an accident. What's more, now she is an amazing talent in the jewelry industry, and the whole country doesn't want to watch her have an accident, right?" Ming Ye Leng asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Yun Lan nodded, "Then I will trouble you. Thank you."

Yun Lan got out of the car and drove away tomorrow cold.

Yun Lan looked at the car shadow he was going away, and remembered the short time with him just now, but felt that he was really different, and he was really completely different from what she usually thought of him.

Driving away coldly tomorrow night, his feelings towards Yun Lan are also very different. When there was no personal relationship before, he just thought she was talented and temperamental.

Now after a brief contact, she realized that she was so different, which made him always feel a very close and familiar feeling.

When returning home cold tomorrow night, Doctor Qin has arrived.

He called Doctor Qin into his room, and said, "What happened to the blood test?"

"Leng Shao, it doesn't match. It seems that Miss Yun is going to suffer a little this time. After so long, she has not found suitable blood." Doctor Qin said regretfully.

Ming Ye Leng had already guessed the result, and said: "Well, you go out first."

Doctor Qin went out, and Mrs. Ming walked to him and asked, "A-Leng asked you to match Yun Wei with blood?"

Seeing that Mrs. Ming didn't seem to be jealous or dissatisfied at all, Doctor Qin said, "Yes, but Leng Shao's blood doesn't match Yun Wei at all, so he can only return without success."

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