Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 982: Do you dare to hurt Yunwei

An extremely angry look appeared on his face, and he turned his head to look at Mrs. Ming, but his eyes could not see Mrs. Ming clearly.

He raised his weak fingers with difficulty and pointed at the tip of her nose: "You...dare...dare!"

"What can I not dare, son? You and Yun Wei are both dead, there is no connection between Mingyu and Yun Lan, they will never be together, right? You said Mom was right? Right, son?"

Mrs. Ming's voice was so terrifying, as if it were a discussion, as if she still regarded Ming Ye Leng as his own son, but she directly pushed Ming Ye Leng into **** so brutally.

He looked at Mrs. Ming. Mrs. Ming had already used his fingerprints, opened his mobile phone, typed a line of text, and sent it to Yunwei: "Yunwei, your old injury recurred, causing nerves to compress the heart. The doctor said, If the serum antibody is not transfused in time, it will develop into a heart disease. I have now helped you find the right blood. Come to my residence as soon as possible."

"What's going on, Mommy?" Yun Wei was shopping with Yun Lan to check the operation of Yun's jewelry.

Yun Lan glanced at it and said strangely: "Isn't Ming Ye Leng handed over the appropriate serum antibody to Zhan Ting and injected it into your body?"

"Mummy, what are you talking about? What heart disease? What serum antibody?" Yun Wei was confused.

Yun Lan saw that her body was already healed anyway, so she told her that there was a problem with her physical condition and that she was saved again.

Yun Lan said: "Weiwei, don't blame Zhan Ting. I discussed this matter with Zhan Ting and kept it from you. I am worried that your physical condition will be more serious because of the stimulation. But now you are better. , I will not hide it from you anymore, this is how it happened."

"It turned out to be the case. No wonder Zhanying didn't say anything before." Yun Wei said, "And the so-called reexamination that day he said was to inject me with serum antibodies."

"Well, it should be like this. Originally you didn't ask about this matter, so we should just forget it and don't need to tell you. But since Ming Ye Leng sent such a message, I will tell you." Yun Lan said with a smile.

"That means he helped find the right blood?" Yun Wei said, "But now he said that he found the right blood, let me go there."

——Because Mrs. Ming didn't know that Ming Ye Leng had already given Yun Wei serum antibodies, she said specifically.

Yun Lan guessed: "Maybe it's because you want to see you tomorrow night. You should really thank him personally for this matter, he is indeed a great help."

"Yes, I don't want to owe him anything. Since he let me go, I will meet him in person and thank him personally." Yun Wei smiled sweetly, "It just happens that this place is not far from his residence. I'll run over. Mommy, you will wait for me in the shop and I will be back soon."

"Okay, then I will just finish reading this batch of goods, and I will go to eat together in a while." Yun Lan also thought that Ming Ye Leng was an upright and kind person. In his residence, Yun Wei would have no problem even in the past.

But after thinking about it, she still said, "Forget it, I'll let your Uncle Hai accompany you, at least to take care of it."

"Okay, Mommy." Yun Wei smiled.

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