Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 985: Hanging heart reset

When he received her call just now, his heart suddenly tightened and it was difficult to breathe. After reacting, he drove to the hospital immediately.

He didn't reset his hanging heart until he found that Yun Wei was well.

Holding Yun Wei tightly, feeling her real existence, Lu Zhanting let out a long sigh of relief and pressed his chin to the top of her head.

Yun Wei has gone through many accidents, and if he had to go through such a state this time, Lu Zhanting would almost not be able to bear such a panic.

"Weiwei, what's going on? What happened?" Lu Zhanting held her face, her small face was a little dirty and looked a little embarrassed.

"Young Master Leng said that he wanted to give me the right blood. Mommy told me that he had given it to me once before. I don't want to owe others favors. I plan to go to him to thank him. Who knows..." Yun Wei had lingering fears when she thought of it. .

"It's cold tomorrow night! It's him who bullied you, right!" Lu Zhanting released Yun Wei, raised his fist and walked towards the ward.

"No, you are misunderstood. When I went there, Leng Shao was poisoned. Then someone closed the door tightly, and the window was locked in advance. Fortunately, it was even blocked. There was still heavy natural gas in the room. I used the radio to contact Uncle Hai who was waiting for me at the door, so we were rescued. Young Leng is still in the operating room, and the doctor is still treating him.” Yun Wei also looked very worried. In the operating room.

"Is there such a thing?" Lu Zhanting twisted his eyebrows, who would it be that he wanted to attack Ming Ye Leng and Yun Wei at the same time.

While talking, Yun Lan also hurried over and hugged Yun Wei tightly: "Weiwei, it's okay if you're fine, it's fine if you're fine, mommy is scared to death. I blame Mommy for being bad, and persuade you Go meet Leng Shao."

"It's okay, Mommy, don't worry. Shao Leng is undergoing an operation." Yun Wei briefly told her what happened.

Yun Lan had a sudden heartbeat just now, thinking that Yun Wei had something to do. Now that Yun Wei is okay, her heart is still beating, as if she is about to lose something.

"Mommy, don't worry about it," Yun Wei advised.

"What's wrong with Young Master Leng?" Yun Lan's heart was always hanging.

Yun Wei said: "The doctor is going all out, it should be fine."

Yun Lan said: "Then I will wait here for a while. I hope that Leng Shaoji people will have their own vision and can turn the crisis into peace."

"Well, good." Yun Wei said, "Zhan Ting, you can accompany me to a place later."

"Where?" Lu Zhanting asked.

"Shao Leng said just now, let me go to one of the things in his safe in the presidential palace." Yun Wei said, "I promised him to take it. I think this may have something to do with what happened just now, so It's better to get it early."

Lu Zhanting nodded: "Okay, as soon as the cold operation is over tomorrow night, go and get it right away."

"Yeah," Yun Wei nodded.

After an unknown period of time, the doctor came out. Yun Lan and Yun Wei hurriedly asked, "Doctor, how is the patient's condition?"

"The patient was heavily poisoned, but fortunately, the rescue was done in time. The poison has not entered the internal organs, so at least it will not be poisoned to death. This lady, when you call the police, the information provided is very useful, so that the hospital can do a good job. With enough preparations, I got the best opportunity for this patient's operation." The doctor said to Yun Wei appreciatively.

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