Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 990: Achieve what you want

Father Ming made such a decision, indeed from Mingyu's perspective, and it was in Mrs. Ming's arms.

Mrs. Ming tried everything possible to get rid of Yun's jewelry, but now she finally got the strong help of Mr. Ming.

The old man Yu Ming intervened strongly, even if Ming Yu wanted to resist, it would be impossible.

"Dad..." Mingyu has something to say.

Father Ming made up his mind: "Well, this matter is decided like this. The appearance of the illegitimate daughter should not affect the reputation of our entire Ming family and your reputation as president!"

"Father, do you still want to keep Yunwei in Jingzhou City and watch her all kinds of humiliations to me? Father, you can't be too partial. I'm also your biological daughter, your biological daughter who gets along with you day and night! "Mingjano cried and cried, "You can't make things like this because of an illegitimate girl!"

The family all accused Mingyu at the same time, making Mingyu want to refute, but there was nothing to say.

Mrs. Ming was secretly proud, now that Father Ming is already on her side, for Yunwei's affairs, it is definitely impossible for Yun's jewelry to stay in Jingzhou City.

So she took the risk of revealing Yun Wei's identity, which was definitely the right choice.

Moreover, Yun Wei is now in the cold restaurant tomorrow night, and she is probably dying because of inhaling too much natural gas.

At that time, even if Mingyu knew that Yunwei was his biological daughter, wouldn't he just mourn a corpse?

As for Ming Ye Leng, it is a dead person anyway, and no one will doubt if Ming Ye Leng is the son of Mrs. Ming.

Now Master Ming may still feel a little guilty for Yunwei, after all, Yunwei is also Mingyu's blood.

But once Ming Ye Leng was found dead with Yun Wei, Father Ming would definitely anger Yun Wei and even the entire Yun's jewelry, and Yun's jewelry would be completely finished by then.

Mrs. Ming lost a son on the surface, but in fact she lost nothing. Her position is still stable, and her biological daughter is still by her side.

And Yun Lan not only lost her daughter, but was also driven out of Jingzhou City.

Mrs. Ming's heart was filled with complacency, and immediately, everything about her would be fulfilled. Not only could she wipe out Yun Lan's children, but she could also drive Yun Lan out.

From now on, no one will be his opponent anymore.

After experiencing this incident, Mingyu will definitely be very restrained and won't make any trouble with other women.

Mingyu raised the volume and suppressed the other people's voices, and said, "You don't have to say more first. I will ask someone to check my DNA and Yunwei's DNA personally. Everything will be done after checking!"

Mrs. Ming said: "Okay, then you can check it. No matter how you check it, the evidence is true. Is it possible that I specially created a chance for Yun Lan to give you someone who is not your daughter?"

Mingyu didn't look at Mrs. Ming any more, turned around and said to his subordinates: "Let Doctor Qin come over."

"Yes." The subordinate hurriedly arranged.

But before they went too far, the other subordinates rushed over and said, "Mr. President, Yun Lan, Yun Wei and Lu Zhanting are here, saying that there is something to be done."

Mrs. Ming became even more sensible, crying and said, "Look, see, isn't this here?"

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