Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 994: Sibling relationship

But she secretly rejoiced that Ming Ye Leng was just in a coma and didn't wake up at all.

She immediately stopped and said, "You can't go up. You can't go up! Dad, mom, Yun Lan and Yun Wei have always wanted to take my place. Now they come to Ming's family, just wanting an identity. .A Leng’s accident must be inseparable from their mother and daughter. A Leng is my biological son, and they must be uncomfortable with me having a son, and they have been poisonous to A Leng. In this way, their mother and daughter can be more Okay to grab my place!"

"Yes, you can't let them go up, maybe they just want to make some bad ideas." Mingjianuo also said loudly.

Lu Zhanting said loudly: "You can go up together with Yunwei. Do you ignore the cold tomorrow, or let Yunwei leave now, you choose yourself."

Mr. Ming and Mrs. Ming hesitated for a while. It is absolutely impossible for them to watch Ming Ye cold and cause problems, but Yun Wei and Yun Lan caused all sorts of troubles in Ming's house, and they were worried that they would cause more trouble in the future.

Mingyu said firmly, "Yunwei, I will accompany you up."

"Mingyu you!"

Mrs. Ming said angrily.

"Father, do you really want me and mom?" Mingjianuo cried.

Mingyu strode to Yunwei's side and said, "Yunwei, I will accompany you to get what you want."

He turned to Mr. Ming and Mrs. Ming again: "Parents, if you are not at ease, you can also go up with Yun Wei."

After all, the two elders thought about the cold tomorrow, stood up and nodded together.

Mrs. Ming was full of despair, and Mingjano burst into tears in despair.

Although they didn't know what Yun Wei was going to get Ming Ye Leng, but they knew in their hearts that Ming Yu's attitude made it clear that he was on the side of the Yun family.

What is even more desperate for Mrs. Ming is that when she gave Ming Ye Leng the medicine, Ming Ye Leng saw it with her own eyes. If Ming Ye Leng wakes up at that time, she will never have any chance again.

Yun Wei, Yun Lan, Lu Zhanting, Ming Yu, Mr. Ming and Mrs. Ming walked upstairs together and entered the cold room tomorrow night.

Yun Wei said, "Young Master Leng told me that he has something in the safe and let me open it out."

Mingyu nodded.

Yun Wei walked towards the safe and opened the safe quickly according to the code Ming Ye said coldly.

The safe is opened, and the top one is a folder.

Yun Wei took it out. There were still some jewels and money in it. It shouldn't be the jewels and money that she wanted to get tomorrow night, but it was this folder that she wanted to get.

Yun Wei took it out and said, "Young Master Leng asked me to take it. This should be the thing. This is what you watched me take out of his safe. The content inside, is it for you to see, or Let me see?"

Mingyu said, "Give it to me. Let me see."

"Good." Yun Wei nodded.

Mingyu took it out, and to his surprise, it was also a DNA test sheet. The list did not specify who it was, but it showed that the two people who supported the test were the relationship between their biological siblings.

It stands to reason that it is generally necessary for the father or mother to provide blood in order to find out whether two people are brothers and sisters.

But what is written above is that the DNA of the two people tested is extremely close, so it can be determined without the rest.

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