Mr. Lu’s Little Pitiful

Chapter 645 She Was Killed

In that box was a necklace, men's.

It was Gu Qiushuang once asked Helena to get it, saying that it would be returned to her when she came back.

It's a pity that Gu Qiushuang never came back.

Helena told her mother Marva about the necklace in the box, guessing that it was probably Gu Niannian's biological father.

Maybe if he gets that necklace, Gu Niannian will be able to find his father smoothly.

So Helena told Marva to go home tomorrow to get the box, and when Gu Niannian came over, give it to her.

Before that, everything was normal until it was almost twelve o'clock in the night.

A nurse wearing glasses and a mask came into Helena's ward and said she was going to give her nutrient solution.

Helena's health is still very poor, and she needs to take nutrient solution every day.

But what made her feel very strange was that she had already fought today, so why did she fight again?

She was afraid that the nurse had misremembered, so she asked the nurse.

The nurse was wearing a mask and couldn't see her face at all.

I just listened to her reply in a normal tone: "This is a new addition. In the future, I will play one more every night at this time, which is good for your body."

Helena had no doubts at all, and cooperated with the nurse to inject her with 'nutrient solution'.

Two hours later, at two in the morning, Helena suffered a sudden heart attack without warning.

The medical equipment in the sanatorium is not as good as that in the hospital. Although the doctors tried their best to rescue Helena, Helena was not able to save it...

Gu Niannian's hand was taken away from Helena's forehead, and the whole person seemed to be collapsed, completely supported by Lu Jinyan.

"Is it a severe headache?" Lu Jinyan frowned, his eyes full of worry.

Gu Niannian shook his head and clenched Lu Jinyan's sleeve tightly: "Call the police, someone injected an unknown drug into Aunt Helena! Also, let someone go to Aunt Helena's house, where there is a box that my mother gave it to me. She's got a men's necklace inside!"

After she finished speaking quickly, the person fainted.

"Nian Nian!" Lu Jinyan's face instantly lost its blood, and the originally calm expression also cracked at this time.

He picked up Gu Niannian and put him on the hospital bed next to him. He called Gu Chi, who was far away in country Z, while calling the bodyguard to instruct him about the things Gu Niannian said just now.

Gu Chi heard that Gu Niannian fainted after acquiring other people's memories. His heart was slightly relieved, but he still felt distressed.

"Using such an ability won't have a big impact on Nian Nian's body, but it will also consume a lot of energy. She is fine now, just let her rest first. But Jin Yan... what happened to you? What? Why do you want Nian Nian to acquire other people's memories?"

Lu Jinyan's eyes always fell on Gu Niannian when he was on the phone.

Hearing Gu Chi asking him, he replied, "Mom's good friend from college was killed just now."


Gu Niannian obtained Helena's memory, although because Lu Jinyan was by her side, she didn't have any headaches.

But the wasted energy still made her sleepy for several hours.

When she woke up, she was already in the apartment room.

It's light outside, I don't know what time it is.

Lu Jinyan stayed by Gu Niannian's side all the time, afraid that she would have a headache, so he held her hand and didn't let go.

The first time Gu Niannian woke up, he saw it.

"Wake up? How are you feeling? Is there any discomfort?"

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