Youyou walked to the seat of the cockpit. She was soaked and looked at Chun Yucheng with an innocent look.

She really didn't want to stay in the cabin, she didn't want to eavesdrop on the ambiguous whispers that made blushing and heartbeat.

And if the canonization found out that she was eavesdropping, she might be cold-eyed, she didn't want to face his low pressure, it was Shenren.

Looking at Youyou's proud Xuefeng, Chunyu Cheng suddenly felt a dry throat. After swallowing hard, his gaze slowly moved up: "What are you doing here?"

The cabin is much more comfortable than the cockpit. If you don’t stay in the cabin and come to the cockpit, do you want to see him?

"I want to find someone to chat with." Youyou hesitated a bit, she couldn't say that the cabin is not suitable for children at this time, and it is not suitable for single dogs.

"That's it." Chun Yucheng looked at Yu You's baby face that could extinguish his passion, and withdrew his eyes with sin.

But when he retracted his gaze, his eyes looked involuntarily, especially the proud Twin Peaks whose eye-catching index is absolutely bursting.

Good deed, Yoyo is so small and skinny, how did she grow a cup that is conservatively estimated to be D or higher?

This development is too bad.

No matter what Chun Yu Cheng did, he was considered a man who had been among the thousands of flowers. He could not help revealing his own nature. After he glanced at the **** part that shouldn't be aimed at, his eyes quickly lifted up.

"You see that your hair is wet. There should be towels in the cabin. Go and wipe it."

Like a friendly elder brother next door, Chun Yu Cheng's mouth raised his big white teeth towards You You.

Youyou's short shoulder-length hair was attached to her face, looking at her baby face like a junior high school student, coupled with those innocent small eyes, Chun Yu Cheng thought annoyed.

Don't wear this baby face if you have a proud cup. Even if you have a baby face, he is still a student, and the feeling of not being able to get his hands is too torture him.

He shouldn't have come tonight, not to mention running errands, but also to suffer from this sin of desire and dissatisfaction. Thinking about the **** beauty who is still waiting for him in his bed, he is even more tortured.

"Are there towels?" Youyou didn't pay attention before. Hearing Chunyu Cheng say so, he walked to the cabin in doubt.

After finally supporting Yuyou, Chunyu Cheng looked down at the lower abdomen of a small tent, and sighed helplessly: "Brother, I am wronged, and I will satisfy you when I go back."

Chun Yu Cheng took a deep breath to calm his surging Qi and blood, before it calmed down completely, there was movement behind him.

When he turned his head, he watched Yoyo holding a large towel, wiping wet hair.

Because of the movement of raising her hands, the Xuefeng on her chest became more prominent.

Chunyu Cheng kept his eyes on her, staring at her chest and couldn't look away.

Hey, he didn't really want to see it on purpose, but it was really pretty.

Youyou's nerves are relatively big, and Chunyucheng's abnormality was not found at the beginning.

Seeing Chun Yucheng staring straight at a place, she stopped moving her eyes. She wiped her hair for a while and looked down his line of sight. Only then did she find herself in the spring, she was so scared that she immediately guarded her chest: " Pervert! What are you looking at?"

No wonder she felt that something was wrong just now, Chun Yu Cheng seemed to be less able to say it last time, it turned out to be sneaking at her!

Taking a peek at the captured bag, Chun Yu Cheng let go on the contrary, his eyes moved up to look at the startled Youyou, his expression was particularly calm.

"It's not all to blame me, who told you to wear it yourself."

He is a man who is just in his prime, with beauty in front of him. If he doesn't want to look at him after a glance, then there is a problem.

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