Mr Qi, You Are Blocked

Chapter 885: Remember it?

Remember Chapter 885?

The northern chief is the granddaughter of Mrs. Yan.

They arrested Bai Chuxiao and threatened Madam Yan to surrender the files. It is rumored that Madam Yan was the most ruthless, but they did not believe that Madam Yan was so cruel that they even ignored the safety of their granddaughter.

It's from the west.

Hearing the gossip, the northern hall master appeared in Nanshan tonight, without a guard. He originally thought it was a rumor, but with the mentality of trying, the result was true.

There are many westerners around, just wait for the opportunity.

The meteor shower continued, and the surrounding was very lively. Some people took pictures and recorded videos, and some made wishes. The most beautiful night sky became the background for everyone.

Zhong Yi didn't get through the phone between Bai Chuxiao and Qi Moye.

It is estimated that there are too many people and too noisy, not paying attention to mobile phones.

Qi Moyi hugged Shen Huan out of the crowd, and went to the place where he was sitting on the cable car, preparing to go down the mountain.

"Tell them, we will go back first." Qi Moyi confessed to Zhong Yi coldly.

Zhong Yi nodded.

Sister Huan would definitely not be able to play anymore and have to rest.

He won't bother them!

Before the cable car, Shen Huan's voice was a little weak, "I can walk by myself..."

She had a terrible headache, her head seemed to explode.

Qi Moyi was expressionless and rejected her words, "I don't want you to go by yourself."

Afterwards, Qi Moyi hugged her on the cable car.

Shen Huan wanted to get out of his arms at the position of the two people in the cable car.

Qi Moyi buckled her slender waist and let her sit on her lap, leaning against his arms.

Shen Huan is not used to or likes this, "I just sit by the side and rest."

Qi Moyi's face sank, and she squeezed her wrist, "Huan'er, obedient."

Her resistance caused his strength to be somewhat greater.

Shen Huan was already suffering from a splitting headache, and he couldn't hold back an uncomfortable voice when he pinched his wrist like this.

Qi Moyi realized his actions, and he immediately let go.

The man's cold eyes darkened because of worry, his brows kept frowning, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Shen Huan's face was slightly wrinkled, and his lip color faded a lot. In just ten minutes, he felt sick. "The head hurts suddenly. Just rest for a while."

The first time I had previous images in my mind, it might be irritating, and it was so headache.

Shen Huan tried to relax as much as possible and didn't think about it.

Qi Moyi pressed her head, let her lean against her arms, and whispered: "Then you rest."

The small window of the cable car is open, and a slight breeze blows in from the outside, and the air is hot at night in summer.

Shen Huan was forced to lean against the man's chest and could feel the frequency of his heartbeat.

As long as she moved a little bit, the strength he held her would be stronger, and he would not give her a chance to break free.

But it's so hot holding it so.

In the weather in August, even at night, the temperature was very high. After a while, Shen Huan's cheeks were stained with a light flush, and it became hot.

Shen Huan began to protest, "Aren't you hot?"

"not hot."

"I'm hot, can you let it go?"

Qi Moyi: "No."


Shen Huan tilted his head to look out of the cable car, about half the height.

This is a scenic spot, the night view is very beautiful, many people take a cable car to see the night view.

Shen Huan's attention was temporarily distracted.

Under the warm light of the cable car, Qi Moyi saw the fine sweat on her forehead and nose.

He was well educated since childhood and has the habit of carrying a handkerchief with him. He took out a light gray handkerchief from his pocket.

Qi Moyi turned Shen Huan's face and wiped his sweat with a handkerchief.

Because of this action, Shen Huan had to look at him.

Would you rather wipe her sweat than let her go?

Isn't it better to let go?

Qi Moyi seemed to see her thoughts, her voice was low and emotional, "I won't let go."


When the cable car reached the end, Qi Moyi hugged her down.

Shen Huan sighed, "I can walk by myself, you can let me down."

Qi Moyi didn't speak, and took a steady step towards the direction of the hotel.

Seeing him ignored, Shen Huan looked up and saw the man's perfect jaw line, "Shao Qi."

"How many times do you want me to say, Huanhuan."

Hearing the new nickname from his mouth, Shen Huan was taken aback.

The man's voice is very magnetic and very nice, especially in this case, through all the noise, it reaches her ears.

There are many people around.

Qi Moyi's appearance is a scenic line, he was noticed after getting off the cable car, and then more and more eyes were placed on them.

"Ah, so handsome!"

"Fuck it, I didn't believe in **** love at first sight before, it turned out it was just those people who were so ugly!"

"Wake up, didn't you see him holding someone?"

"I'm a **** soul!"

Facing everyone's gaze, Qi Moyi didn't care at all, as if when they didn't exist.

Shen Huan was not the kind of little girl who would be ashamed at random, but in the face of this situation, she really couldn't stand it.

She felt like she was going to be killed by the eyes of those girls.

Are the little girls so crazy now?

Qi Moyi did not let her down anyway, and Shen Huan gave up altogether.

She tilted her face to his chest, avoiding those hateful eyes.

It was hot and headache, Shen Huan closed his eyes, breathing heavily, and spilled on the man's chest through the thin clothes.

Qi Moyi tightened his strength and looked down at the person in his arms.

In just one second, he controlled the force to move away.

Arrived at the hotel.

The room is set by Zhong Yi, there are seven people, six rooms.

Five single rooms and one double room.

Before putting the luggage, the room was divided. Qi Moyi took two room cards and sent Shen Huan back to the room.

There is air conditioning in the house, and the temperature outside is high.

After sweating, and suddenly the air temperature changed so much, Shen Huan shuddered.

Qi Moyi finally put her down.

After adjusting for this period of time, Shen Huan recovered a little, sweating, and she was going to take a bath.

"Thanks." She thanked Qi Moyi.

Shen Huan went to the bathroom, Qi Moyi looked at her back, but did not leave immediately.

Shen Huan soaked in the bathtub and gently closed his eyes.

The picture of the meteor shower flashed through my mind again.

And the phrase [Happy birthday, Huan'er. 】

She calmed down and thought back and forth, the voice seemed familiar.

Qi Moyi also called her that.

However, the voice in his mind was not as mature and magnetic as Qi Moyi's voice, and was rather young.

is it him.

Shen Huan came out of the shower and saw Qi Moyi still there.

She thought he was gone.

Hearing the movement, Qi Moyi raised his eyes and looked over.

Shen Huan walked slowly in a bathrobe.

"How do you feel?" Qi Moyi asked.

"Much better." Shen Huan wrapped a bathrobe and sat down on the sofa, planning to talk to him, "Is a school in our high school?"

At Qi's house that night, he said.

They have known each other for ten years, starting from her first year of high school.

In the picture she remembered, several people were wearing the same school uniform.

Qi Moyi combined Shen Huan's abnormality tonight, guessing what she might have remembered, "Remember?"

A dark color flashed under the man's eyes, including those... remember?

(End of this chapter)

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