Mr Qi, You Are Blocked

Chapter 891: North and South shot at the same time

Chapter 891

Bai Chuxiao ate the sandwich, "Not everyone can be him, you can't learn, and the charm is not as great as him."

Qi Linfeng sighed.

Zhong Yi suddenly felt that breakfast was not delicious, and started to give out dog food while eating?

After breakfast, they boarded the car and left Nanshan.

Taking this opportunity, Bai Chuxiao asked Qi Ruyan again from Zhong Yi.

Because Qi Ruyan is the child's daughter-in-law of the Qi family, the four young masters of the Qi family all keep an absolute distance from her, and can not speak without speaking.

It is Qi Moyi who has been in contact more, after all, he works in the same company.

However, after Bai Chuxiao went to the Qi clan for the first time to find Qi Moye after get off work, he could see the distance between Qi Moyi and Qi Ruyan in two cars.

However, there is no girl in the Qi family, and Qi Ruyan is alone and isolated.

Hearing what Zhong Yi said, Bai Chuxiao felt quite miserable.

No wonder every time I go to Qi's house, I rarely see a few young masters interacting with Qi Ruyan.

Qi Ruyan was not as good as Jiang Ran.

They can treat Jiang Ran as a younger sister, and Qi Ruyan has the status of a ‘child bride’s daughter-in-law’. The four young masters of the Qi family don’t want to be tied to a marriage contract, so they will never pass this hurdle.

"You said she went to the south to train?" Bai Chuxiao pinched his chin and looked at Qi Moye, "Do you know?"

Qi Moye: "Yeah."

They have all been here, so naturally they know.

He didn't pay attention or watch the scene, only heard that the results were not great.

"She went with me in batches." Zhong Yi said.

"How are you practicing?" Bai Chuxiao asked.

"Of course it will work. One hit three is not a problem. Just kidding, my boss in the street called for nothing?" Zhong Yi brags.

"Qi Ruyan is not good at computers except for the computer. She has practiced martial arts for more than a year, and she has not achieved much, but she is also ordinary enough to defend herself. She was beaten horribly in the training camp. Goddess, you are from the north. Know how cruel the training camp is ?"

Qi Ruyan and Zhong Yi are on the same starting line. They may be girls. They started at the age of fifteen and practiced for more than a year. The result was not a bit worse than Zhong Yi.

"I know." Bai Chuxiao nodded.

There, the weak have to be beaten.

The first time I saw Qi Ruyan, Jiang Ran said that he didn't know who Qi Ruyan liked.

It seems to be the same for the four young masters, plain and plain.

Bai Chuxiao also feels this way, at least so far.

Maybe Qi Ruyan, like the four young masters, disliked each other and looked down upon each other, but it was hard to express.

Along the way, Bai Chuxiao roughly inquired about Qi Ruyan, but it didn't hurt anyway.

Arrived at the destination.

They get off.

Zhong Yi said all the way, thirsty, "Goddess, do you have a sense of crisis? It doesn't matter, I have made a wish, and grandma will accept you sooner or later, believe me!"

Bai Chuxiao was a little surprised, this is what Zhong Yi made a wish?

Do not wish for yourself, fucking, a little touched.

"Thanks, it must be realized." Bai Chuxiao smiled.

This month, one night of recuperation.

Suddenly of curiosity, she asked Qi Moye about Zhong Yi.

Zhong Yi's mother died because she insisted on giving birth to him.

Also learned the origin of Zhong Yi's name.

Bai Chuxiao hopes that Zhong Yi will remain optimistic and cheerful.

Zhong Yi is very good. He deserves all the gentleness in this world.

Bai Chuxiao and Tang Tingyu bid farewell.

"Going back to Yangcheng?"

"No for the time being, there is some private matter." Tang Tingyu touched his nose.

After that, everyone dispersed.

After today, they will get busy.

Someone has to deal with the North-South relationship.

Someone wants to manage the company, and there is still recovery.

Someone wants to prepare for the new season.

Someone tried to work out an antidote.

Everyone is moving in their own direction.


On the day of returning from Nanshan, a big event happened in Black and White.

The North and South Departments gave the West a fierce disarm.

Just because they moved Bai Chuxiao.

Killing chickens and monkeys, the eastern part was originally eager to move about the archives, but it was completely lost because of such manipulation.

Mainly lack of strength.

North and South, the two strongest black and white films are now shot at the same time!

Some time ago, the south destroyed the engagement banquet in the north, and almost confronted each other.

Now that the two have not been pinched, it's **** weird!

The people in the east talked hard.

"What's going on in the south, letting the north hold the archives to show off its power? This is not the south at all."

"Didn't you listen to what the West said, the young master and the hall master from the north and the south are engaged."

"It's so hot, so the south ruined the engagement banquet in the north, the legendary marriage grab?"

"It seems that the North and the South are going to live in harmony."

"Not necessarily, I think Madam Yan and Madam Han will not give up, otherwise why are there engagement banquets and marriage robbing incidents?"

"I don't know if it's true or not, I heard that a few people from the Yun nationality went to the south recently."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

The Yun Clan’s three-year newcomer recruitment contest, all outstanding newcomers are about to gather, I am afraid it will cause a wave of storms.

Among the four, the north holds the archives, and the other three are inferior.

During this period, the southern part had contacts with the Yun clan...

If the news is true, then Madam Han is indeed Madam Han.


this day.

Bai Chuxiao, Shen Huan and Zhong Yi got together to study medicine.

the other side.

Madam Han recalled Jiang Xie and Qi Moye back to the south.

When Qi Moye came over, Jiang Xie was smoking.

Jiang Xie's eyes were more lazy, and the enchanting face was more charming in the smoke.

The ashtray is full of cigarette butts, I can see that my mood is not very good.

Qi Moye faintly said, "Are you broken in love?"

Jiang Xie's slender fingers were holding a cigarette, and he let out smoke rings casually.

The scene feels a bit familiar.

Last year, Qi Moye smoked hard because Bai Chuxiao didn't go home, causing illness.

That's what he asked Qi Moye at the time.

Jiang Xie now understands why Qi Moye had lovesickness at that time.

He estimated it would be soon.

Shit, is it possible that you can't live without her?

Jiang Xie extinguished the smoke angrily, and stood up, "I don't have a leg, how can I be broken in love."

No one saw it.

If he knew this, it would be better to stay with them in Jiangcheng, and Huiyangcheng would have to deal with the documents of the Sky Group, which made him lose the sky.

Qi Moye didn't speak any more.

They went to the building where Mrs. Han lived.

"Yi said, someone from the Yun clan came over to talk to his wife the other day." Jiang Xie walked forward with one hand in his pocket, reminding Qi Moye.

Mrs. Han and Mr. Liang from the Yun clan have some intersections.

This is also the reason why I can go to the Yun Clan to ask the antidote before and learn so much news.

However, Mr. Liang is Mr. Liang, he does not represent the Yun family.

Qi Moye's face was expressionless, his eyes darkened.

In the hall.

Madam Han is waiting for them.

The tea table was placed on the tea table, stepping forward, the air was filled with the fragrance of tea.


"Here." Madam Han said.

Qi Moye and Jiang Xie sat down.

Mrs. Han held the teacup and said in an unhurried tone, "The day after tomorrow you go to the Yun Clan to represent the southern part and congratulate Yunhuai on your birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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