Mr Qi, You Are Blocked

Chapter 948: Too close

Chapter 948 is too close

"I have a chance, can you play it for me next time?" Yun Huai said.

Bai Chuxiao: "Of course, my honor."

The two of them chatted at the scene, and the others did not interrupt.

They saw the curvature of Yunhuai's mouth, which was shallow from the beginning, and became bigger and bigger. They even laughed, with smiles on their eyebrows, soft eyes, and joy from the heart.

This is something Yunyu and Yunwei have never seen before.

They have only seen Yunhuai’s faint smiles and faint smiles when they grow up. The Queen’s identity, Yunhuai’s burden is heavy, and the smiles can’t be understood. It’s the first time seeing Yunhuai smile so happy.

Liang Zong also, since that incident, for a long time, I have never seen Yunhuai in such a relaxed state.

It was so long that he almost forgot what Yunhuai was like before.

Since becoming Queen, Yunhuai has changed a lot.

Today, Liang Zong seems to have seen the young Yunhuai.

At this time, she was no longer the king of the family, but an ordinary person, chatting and laughing.

Yun Yu looked at Bai Chuxiao.

The girl can say, she can talk to a point every time, and she draws Yunhuai's joy.

Yun Yu has a weak temperament and is quite envious of people with outgoing personality and sweet mouth.

Bai Chuxiao talked a lot and was thirsty, so she took a few sips of tea.

She thought that Yunhuai was the kind of lofty, not very easy to talk.

We didn't have much exchanges during the previous two meetings. I said a lot today unknowingly, and found that Yunhuai was not what she expected.

At this time, a person came in to report.

"Queen, two guests are here."

Yunhuai's emotions converged and returned to his ordinary appearance, "Okay, come in."

After that, the man went out to lead the guests.

Bai Chuxiao continued to drink tea, probably because Yunhuai called just now.

Yun Wei pushed Bai Chuxiao with his elbow, "Great."

"What?" Bai Chuxiao lowered his voice.

"Quite talkative, my aunt hasn't been so happy for a long time." Yun Wei praised in a low voice.

Bai Chuxiao smiled, "I'm overwhelmed."

She knows how to make elders happy.

When I was in the north, my grandma was basically useless.

It's too serious, she doesn't want to eat her suit at all, and she doesn't dare to talk smartly in front of her grandma.

Bai Chuxiao felt that Yun Yu had been looking at her, and couldn't help but tilt his head and meet Yun Yu's eyes.

The two girls looked at each other.

Bai Chuxiao smiled habitually.

Wearing a human skin mask, his appearance is ordinary, and when he laughs, he is still infectious.

At that smile, Yunyu was slightly stunned.

She probably understood that Yunhuai was abnormal today.

They are usually too serious, because of their status, they are generally cold-tempered, and this girl, like a beam of sunlight, shines in without warning.

Two distinguished guests were brought over.

Bai Chuxiao drank a cup of tea. She put the cup back on the table and glanced in the direction of the door accidentally.

Then, her eyes were forced to stay.

Under the leadership, two familiar figures were walking towards them.

Two men, one cold and expensive, the other lazy evildoer.

Bai Chuxiao has seen this combination too many times.

She was surprised, why did they come?

Although the southern part and the Yun clan are developing a good relationship, they don't run to the Yun clan every day, right?

When Qi Moye entered the door, he saw Bai Chuxiao.

The living room is full of close people around Yunhuai, but she can blend in.

Seeing this scene, she did well in Yun Clan?

The eyes of the two met for a few seconds, and they moved away at the same time.

Bai Chuxiao sat in the position properly.

Qi Moye and Jiang Xie approached.


"Two young masters, please sit down." Yun Huai said.

The sofa in the living room is very large and luxurious, with the main sofa and the auxiliary sofas on the left and right, showing concave shape.

The auxiliary sofa is also very long, similar to the main seat, and can seat six or seven people. At this time, Yun Huai and Liang Zong are in the main seat, Yun Yu is on the left, and Bai Chuxiao and Yun Wei are on the right.

Yun Huai asked Yun Yu to sit by her, and gave the left to Qi Moye and Jiang Xie, "Xiaoyu, you come to me."

Yunyu understands the meaning of Yunhuai.

The sofa is long enough, but the identities of Qi Moye and Jiang Xie are too noble to neglect.

Yun Yu just thought of getting up.

A cold voice sounded, "Don't bother."

Hearing this, everyone looked at the source of the sound.

Qi Moye is slender, with a calm look on Junyi's face, deep and pitch-black eyes, with an innate noble temperament, and a very nice voice, "Just sit down."

Jiang Xie glanced at Qi Moye, and immediately understood what he meant. He curled his lips, "Yes, Queen doesn't need to be so alien."

In front of Yunhuai, Jiang Xie's idleness seemed to converge a lot, and he understood scoring occasions.

Yun Huai nodded slightly, "That's good."

Qi Moye took a long leg and walked to the auxiliary sofa on the right.

Jiang Xie looked to the left, and there was a cloud of words.

So Jiang Xie resolutely followed Qi Moye's steps and went to the right.

In the position of the auxiliary sofa, Bai Chuxiao and Yun Wei were sitting together.

Yunwei leaned against the handrail, and Bai Chuxiao was next to Yunwei, beside a large empty space.

Everyone thought Qi Moye would sit on the left.

As a result, Qi Moye stopped in full view.

Bai Chuxiao's expression did not change as much as possible. As the man took his seat, the sofa dented, and the breath that belonged to him came instantly.


Do you want to be so close...

Bai Chuxiao knew that Qi Moye would sit here, but he didn't expect him to sit so close.

Sit directly next to each other!

The sofa is so long and the ground next to it is so big!

Not only Bai Chuxiao, others were equally surprised.

Yun Huai doesn't know Qi Moye and Jiang Xie very well, but he has definitely heard of their reputation.

The younger generation is standing at the top, with strong enough means and strong ability.

One Qi Moye, one Jiang Xie.

Attitudes towards women, the former has no desire, the latter is ruthless.

Now that I don't dislike it, I don't have a seat...It's really surprising!

The only thing Bai Chuxiao can do now is to stay calm and not show her feet. She controls her eyes and does not look towards Qi Moye.

On the other hand, Qi Moye, like a okay person, didn't care that doing so would make everyone feel surprised. His tone was calm, "Come on and disturb Queen."

Yunhuai’s state at this moment is quite different from when he was chatting with Bai Chuxiao before, and he resumed his proper posture, "Is it important to let the two young masters come together?"

"Yesterday, Team M injured the top ace in the South. What does Queen think of this incident?" Qi Moye's voice was low.

The black and white grid and the Yun clan have always entered the water without breaking the river, not to mention that the relationship between the South and the Yun clan has yet to develop. It is a big crime to injure the top ace in the south.

Yunhuai was silent for a moment, "I have always paid little attention to the M group, and I haven't received relevant news yet."

"So, the M group was dispatched without authorization." Qi Moye said solemnly.

Jiang Xie casually leaned on the back of the sofa chair and agreed, "Queen, it's better to call the leader. We want to hear, what is the reason for this boss? He has such big opinions on our top ace."

 Since 5g came out, the Internet has been **** all the time, and it’s stuck with ghosts and animals when listening to songs, and it’s been impossible to board the background for 10,000 years.

   Please ignore the violent and vulgar person (not me)

good night



(End of this chapter)

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