Mr. Xiao’s Unconditional Love

Chapter 722: : I really like you!

He was very happy because she remembered him.

"Sister, how can I serve the street?!" Tang Shaoting said with a smile, and threw the cigarette into the sea.

"Congratulations! Wouldn't Ting brother want to come to the mainland to retaliate against us?" Ye Qiao asked with a smile, this Tingzai should not be that kind of person!

The smile of Tang Shaoting's mouth increased, "Sister looks down on me! Brother Ting has always been willing to bet!"

Ye Qiao laughed too, "That's good! Otherwise, I'm afraid you will die! What about your brothers? What's the matter? What plans do you have in the future?"

"Isn't my sister trying to report me to the police? Don't you need to be so cruel?" Tang Shaoting leaned against the railing, blowing the sea breeze, with a happy smile on Jun's face.

"Brother Ting! Ye Qiao, I am also a loyal person! As long as you don't offend me, I won't offend you! My husband is the same!"

"Sister, Brother Ting really likes you!" The smile in Tang Shaoting's eyes was very serious, gritted his teeth and suppressed the feeling of regret in his heart.

Ye Qiao was stunned, and heard seriousness from the other's casual tone.

"People who like me are usually looking for death. They are abused by me and my husband!" She smiled and said, "Brother Ting, don't contact me anymore! Good luck!"

After all, hang up immediately.

"Who does Mrs. Lu call?" Lu Beixiao, who was carrying a large cabbage, came in and asked while changing his shoes.

"Mom, my mother in my hometown! I also asked if we have time to go back this year..." That Tingzi, just don't contact in the future. She lied, but she did call her just now.

My hometown is already rich, and I have built a three-story western-style building in the village. To make it easier for them to live in their hometown, my father installed toilets and water heaters on each floor, and the front and back of the yard are arranged as gardens...

"Shubu mutton!" Ye Qiao said excitedly when he saw him put the copper hot pot on the table.

"Look at you!" Lu Beixiao petted.

"Brother Xiao, I love you to death! Oh...father and mother. Not as close as my husband!" Ye Qiao said sweetly, and ran to him, almost jumping up and kissing him on the cheek. One bite, "Snowy weather is the best match for small hot pot!"

Seeing her so happy from ear to ear, Lu Beixiao was also very happy, completely forgetting what happened yesterday!

After a while, the young couple sat next to the steaming copper hot pot. Not only did they have lamb, but also various meatballs, enoki mushrooms, spinach, baby vegetables...

The most exciting thing is that there is chili sauce.

However, Mr. Lu strictly controls that she is not allowed to eat too much spicy, and the lamb must be rinsed until it is cooked thoroughly before eating, so as to avoid parasites and harm the fetus.

When Lu Beixiao was sorting the closet, he accidentally found a bag of chicken wings. He couldn't help but hide it in his clothes!

He put him back in place, let her alone!


In this era, there is no such thing as a birth inspection file, but Ye Qiao still insists on going to the hospital every month.

After the first four months, the symptoms of sickness finally disappeared. Her appetite greatly increased, she liked everything, not picky eaters, and her belly grew bigger. The twins were different.

The hospital prohibited checking the **** of the fetus, but Ye Qiao was really curious.

At that time, with a big belly, she was lying on the bed in the B-ultrasound room, clutching the sheets nervously, and still accompanied Ms. Du next to her.

"Oh, Sister Du, congratulations, I see that one is your little granddaughter!" The female doctor said quietly.

"Really, what about the other one?" Ms. Du said excitedly.

This is really the rhythm of dragon and phoenix fetuses, Ye Qiao thought excitedly, this is a younger sister, and the other must be a boy, Lu Xiaogun is a boy!

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