Mr. You, Please Dote On Me

Chapter 164: Almost out of control

And Xing Shenzhi listened to An Ling telling himself that what happened in the Shi family and the Qin family couldn't help but smile, "It seems that things are getting more and more interesting. The first book of this book is issued and chased. Book. Help↘https: // "

"Brother, I don't know why I still keep this woman. Obviously, her means and mind will not grow."

An Ling knew very well that Shi Yao was definitely not a bad woman, so it was even more impossible for her to allow this woman to destroy her brother's affairs.

Xing Shenzhi smiled, and was not angry. "Don't you think this is more interesting? The simple revenge is really boring."

After Xing Shenzhi said, An Ling nodded, seemingly understandable. No matter what he said, he still felt that there was a certain danger for Shi Yao, a woman who was fighting alone with her brother.

"Okay, don't worry about this, the woman doesn't seem so stupid, I'll have a sense of proportion." Xing Shenzhi also knew that An Ling was for his own good, but the matter of revenge was already very difficult.

Just in difficulty, even if you can't achieve revenge overnight, but you absolutely will not allow You family to lead a happy life, you have to make a fish bone stuck in their throat, difficult to swallow.

An Ling had already heard Xing Shenzhi's words and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered another thing, "Yes, brother, I heard that the second son of the Xiao family came back, but I don't know why."

Xing Shenzhi nodded, and my heart became clear. Suddenly I remembered that the woman who followed Shiyao that day was the Xiao girl, and she did not expect that this woman had such an important position in Youze's heart.

Although Xing Shenzhi did not know the relationship between the Xiao family's younger daughter and You Ze, but was able to give up the family's business willingly to be a flight attendant as a bodyguard, it can also be seen that the relationship between the two should be unusual.

But now for Xing Shenzhi, it seems that it is also important to understand the purpose of the second son of the Xiao family.

And Xiao Qing arrived home after a while, because his father stayed at the barracks all year round, so he rarely returned.

"Why come back so soon?" Xiao Yao was still shocked to see Xiao Qing back, after all, it was only two hours after they had just met.

Because Xiao Yao just dealt with some things just now, after all, he plans to take root in City A, so he can only find another place and settle down.

"If you put down your friend, you will come back. After all, the second brother is also very important." Xiao Qing also very converged in his own years as a soldier in front of his two brothers.

"You girl, hey, the boss is not young anymore, but don't take your brothers as the most important!" Xiao Yao remembered that when Xiao Qing went out as a soldier when Xiao Qing came back, he said there was a kid in the military camp because This matter also enlightened the sister for a long time with his elder brother.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Yao really has some regrets. If I think that my sister is so important to her brothers now, she should bring people and her brothers.

It's just that I know it's too late.

"Brother, what do you say, you will always be the most important, right, why didn't you leave when you came back this time?" Xiao Qing remembered that he always enlightened his brother before, after all, he was no better than home, just My brother refuses.

"Ah, City C is too messy now and can't do much. So come back first. After all, there are not many industries for merchants."

Xiao Yao also knew in his heart how chaotic the place before him was, so he had to find a place to make a big deal, but now it seems that the only place where he can get up quickly is his own.

"Okay, does that elder brother know?" Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Yao. After all, this long-term settlement and re-working hard seemed to be a big deal, but he hasn't returned yet.

"Oh, what a big thing, don't need your brother to know, the second brother did not have to worry about starting from scratch before City C."

Then Xiao Qing nodded, the two talked about something else, and then ate. The two were in the same state as when they met each other before.

"Okay, come out to eat." At this time, Yao had already prepared all the ingredients and cooked the meal.

It was only half a day that there was movement in Youze. Shi Yao couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong, what's so amazing?"

You Ze also reacted because of Shi Yao's words, then shook his head and said that there was nothing. After all, for the first time in such a long time, I saw someone so carefully arrange dinner for myself. .

Shi Yao poked his lips and didn't care, "Well, let's eat."

Having said that, Shi Yao put the chopsticks, knives and forks in place, and later consciously took Youze's hand, then entered the seat.

When Shi Yao was about to turn around and leave, unexpectedly You Ze grabbed her wrist and dragged her into her arms again.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Shi Yao hadn't responded yet. The moment she looked up, she saw You Ze's face enlarged in front of herself.

Then the two lips and teeth touched each other. For a while, because she hadn't responded, Shi Yao was immediately taken advantage of by You Ze.

When Youze felt that it was almost the same, when Shi Yao was about to resist, he actively released the restraint on her.

"Well, it's better to add food to the meal." You Ze said, still licking the lips of Shiyao's lips just as if they had touched, just like a mouthful.

Shi Yao looked at Youze like this and had to say that it should be a very insignificant and extremely hooligan look that made him look so beautiful. There was still some shaking.

Of course, even this Yao God of Shi Yao could not escape Youze's eyes. "Why, does the wife want to continue?"

Shi Yao looked at You Ze with a smirk and looked at herself, and suddenly felt that his face was heating up rapidly, and for a while he didn't know what he was going to do, but fortunately he reacted.

"No, no, no ... you eat, you can't stop your mouth."

You Ze looked at his little daughter-in-law with a funny look, and almost did not control his emotions.

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