Mr. You, Please Dote On Me

Chapter 311: Xiao Shun Zhizhao

Nianci nodded, "Mom, there is really nothing between the two of us. I have a fair mind. You can rest assured that we are also a coincidence, and we met." ^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发""

In the end, Nianci should have overcome the sensibility and chose to give up the feelings in her heart. After all, there was no problem with what Mother Yang said just now, and she couldn't add too much trouble to Xiao Yao.

Mother Yang looked at her daughter with a look of forbearance. She was also very worried. She could see that she already felt it, but it was better to kill it in the cradle early.

"Parents, we won't talk about it anymore, how are you guys in the past two years, has he troubled you again?" Nianci has also been living in pain for the past two years, and I don't know how to deal with these two Close relatives.

"We have nothing to do, but it is strange to say that we have been sending money to our house somewhere else in the past two years, and the amount of each time is not the same." After saying that, Mother Yang deliberately took the previously prepared receipt. Come out, there is a card, they have not moved the money in it.

Nianci took the card and receipt in the hands of Mother Yang, with a strange look on her face, and a little strangeness in her heart, and then looked at it in contrast, she really couldn't figure out who was able to send money to the family.

"Oh, and there is money for Shiyao and Youyou. The two elderly people don't need the money at all, you can take it back and exchange it for others."

Mother Yang was also relieved that her daughter could make such a friend in distress.

Nianci accepted the card in her mother's hand and held it tightly. I did not expect that she left the city desperately at that time, and the world evaporated instantly, and they still remembered her so much.

"Nianci, our family is no longer able to rise, don't worry, one day will be able to get better, and want to be more open." Mother Yang also knows that since something happened at home, this child has taken too much heart Something.

Nianci shook his head. "It's okay, Mom, I don't want to dislike our family."

Father Yang looked at the mother and daughter like this, and there was a tender feeling in his heart. "Children, since coming back to live with us, although not as good as before, it is better than yours now."

But unexpectedly, Nianci shook his head, "Parents, there is nothing bad here, I don't like too much place, there is no sense of security, but you can rest assured that I will go back more often when I have time. Look, it won't be like this. "

Mother Yang also knew what kind of character her daughter was, so she patted Yang Yang ’s arm, signaled that this topic should not be continued, and then the three of them finally had a reunion dinner together, which was considered to be the end of the three. Such a long separation life.

Xiao Yao left Nianci's family and didn't know where to go, but always felt that Yang's attitude towards him just now had changed, and he believed that it was not a particularly good change.

In the end, Xiao Yao couldn't figure it out, and found his brother directly, "What are you doing here?"

Xiao Shun saw the second brother come to him for the first time. It was really a little novelty, and he couldn't help guessing what was happening.

"Brother, do you say I'm bad?" Xiao Yao looked at the mirror coldly. He raised a question.

"How do you remember asking this? Nianci refused?" Xiao Shun looked at Xiao Yao with a look of loss of love, and couldn't help but laugh, and felt helpless in his heart.

"I just remembered and asked, what is not refused, don't say so clearly ..." Xiao Shun's words suddenly reminded him of the situation where he was just studying at Ci Ci, and his mood fell again.

"No, you are fine, don't think about it. What happened?" Xiao Shun really saw a few times when Xiao Yao looked so decadent, and it really caused a strong curiosity. .

"Why does Nianci's father know that I am a member of the Xiao family, and he is also disgusted." Xiao Yao grew more and more depressed, and couldn't think of any bad things.

"It's not that you're not good, it's embarrassing." Xiao Shun has worked in government units for so many years, so he also knows such emotions.

"I'm sorry ... I'm not sorry ..." Xiao Yao's IQ is completely offline now, so he didn't understand what he meant at all.

Xiao Shun looked at Xiao Yao and misunderstood the meaning. There was some helplessness, "It's not the meaning, but they feel that their family situation makes them embarrassed, so they can understand ... What's wrong with you today?"

Xiao Xun's words made Xiao Yao completely open and cheerful. It turned out that it wasn't his fault. "Don't you understand what I said, tell them not to worry. I'm not a family-oriented person."

"You don't pay attention, but the Yang family has a delicate mind. They won't let their daughter take risks, and they were good friends with their parents. Why didn't they contact for so long? There must be a reason for it. Mercy is enlightened. "

Xiao Shun can also see her feelings after a few contacts with Nianci, but Yang's father Yang mother was the one who gave birth to them, and she must know something in her heart, so this time should have been negotiating.

"That wouldn't work. It ’s not easy for me and Nianci to have anything now. Isn't it all gone now?" Xiao Yao looked at Xiao Shun for a while, and he really liked Nianci.

Xiao Shun looked at Xiao Yao with a look of grievance. There was some helplessness, "Then what can you do, you can't control the mind of others."

Xiao Shun found that Xiao Yao was like a fool who didn't know anything about the problem of philanthropy, and even had no ability to count others.

"Then what do you say about me ..." Xiao Yao looked at Xiao Shun's hate for iron, and immediately looked at it with hope. "Tell me, brother, my head is going to blow up."

"Your head has blown up. People have not resigned now, which means that they will continue to work. Just continue to work hard. The parents are the key. I did n’t know why they lost contact with them. , I'll see if I can see something later. "

Xiao Yao was full of admiration when he looked at Xiao Shun. "Brother, you are really my good brother."

"You can get it, I tell you, Nianci is indeed a good girl, so you should cherish it, and there must be two more words from Shiyao. Maybe she can help you enlighten Nianci."

Xiao Yao nodded, remembering everything that Xiao Shun said, and the two continued to discuss some things, and then separated from each other.

By this time, Shi Yao and You Ze had returned to the airline. "Wait for me, I'll change clothes and get off right away."

Although Shi Yao didn't know why he didn't let him wait upstairs, but thinking that there were many people who didn't want to see upstairs, he obediently waited downstairs.

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