Mr. You, Please Dote On Me

Chapter 318: Youze's car is stable

Despite Nian Ci's denial, his heart was still very depressed, and he did his best to control the emotion that was about to get out of control. Free-fee-first-delivery → [chasing] [book] [help]

Chen Xiao looked at Nianci and shook his head. "Nanci I know you so much, don't you not know, what are you doing so hard in front of me?"

Nianci looked up and met Chen Xiao's gaze. It seems that the situation when the two people quarreled, but everything has changed.

Just when Chen Xiao was emotionally preparing to walk over and hug Nianci, she pushed him away. "No one is worthy to know me. I know who I am."

Chen Xiao looked at Nianci's emotions and got out of control. She quickly hugged her and helped her control her emotions. "Nianci, don't be like this, you are too tired."

Xiao Yao in the distance saw the sight in front of him, and felt as sad as a sword in his heart.

He clenched his fist and kept controlling his urge to rush forward, but even thinking of rushing forward, he didn't even have the identity of a former boyfriend.

In the end, Xiao Yao didn't wait until Nianci's emotions were under control, so he drove away, and on the way back, he drove the car to the maximum step.

Nianci managed to control his emotions and quickly pushed Chen Xiao away. "My future life has nothing to do with you, stay away from me." After that, she threw the coat he gave just now, her head also If you do n’t return, you leave.

Chen Xiao looked at Nianci's departure, and his heart was pierced.

At this time, Xing Shenzhi also returned home, watching the incoming call on the mobile phone connected to the call, "how is the matter going?"

An Ling listened for a long time, but was relieved to hear the voice, and he had been busy during this time without the opportunity to call.

"Big brother has finished processing, and I'll wait for everyone, right. Xiao Qing seems to have left, and went to another city. I don't know what to do."

Xing Shenzhi frowned while listening to An Ling's words, but soon he stretched out, "It's okay, it might be a good thing for her to leave. We didn't even have her in our plan. We are always on guard in the province. She is. "

"Then what else should we do next?" An Ling also knew today that Xing Shenzhi seemed to have taken a plane, but he didn't know what he was going to do. He couldn't ask it directly, but just hit it side by side.

Xing Shenzhi looked at the scenery outside the window and thought for two minutes. "We still have nothing to do first. Let them consolidate the relationship during this time."

An Ling responded, but Xing Shenzhi did not say that he had just thought of Shi Yao's words, and somehow shook his thoughts, but fortunately he returned to reason.

The next day, four people had breakfast together.

"Girl Zhao, what class is today?"

Zhao Xuehan listened to Jiang Fengyi's words, and quickly put down the chopsticks, "Oh, grandma, I forgot to say yesterday that I was on a flight with Sister Shi Yao today."

Shi Yao listened to her being named, and looked up to see the past. Zhao Xuehan smiled and met her gaze, "Sister Shi Yao is ten o'clock."

Shi Yao looked at Zhao Xuehan and nodded his head. Although he didn't want it, he felt that it was a bit arrogant, so he just smiled back and said he knew.

Jiang Fengyi was a little anxious when she heard that they were in the same class, but Zhao Xuehan had already seen the concerns between the two of them, and then said, "Well ... I need Shi Yao's sister to help me. It hasn't been done for a long time. Air China has forgotten some rules. Fortunately, they gave me a class yesterday, so I had the opportunity to be with Sister Shi Yao. "

Shi Yao nodded while listening to Zhao Xuehan's words. Obviously, he didn't know what to say to ease the atmosphere, but he always felt that things didn't seem so simple.

Zhao Xuehan looked at Shi Yao's guile and could not help but have some contempt, and then she continued to look at Jiang Fengyi, "Grandma, they opened the string. Is there anything to find me?"

Jiang Fengyi shook her head, looked at Zhao Xuehan with a deep look, and wondered whether this matter could be said in her heart, but thinking that she had just recovered for two days, so she would let her move out.

You Ze should be feeling Shiyao's inner thoughts, so she looked at Zhao Xuehan, "Sister Xuehan, I'll take Yaoyao to a place in a while, you meet at the company later."

Zhao Xuehan has also seen Xiaozejiu in You Ze's heart, but he did not point it out, but looked at Shi Yao. "At that time, I will wait for you at the door of the company. Let's meet at that time."

Shi Yao looked at Zhao Xuehan's appearance, and knew in her heart that this level could not be avoided, and she knew in the mind that You Ze must have seen that she was uncomfortable, so she came forward.

Youze took Shi Yao out after eating rice. Zhao Xuehan watched the back of them leaving, his eyes only shrunk, and the calmness immediately returned to the next moment.

Jiang Fengyi kept watching Zhao Xuehan. Although she always felt something different, when she turned around, she became calm again.

"Grandma, why don't I push you out for a walk now?" Zhao Xuehan smiled at Jiang Fengyi, and then the two left.

Looking at Shi Yao in the car, You Yao looked not so good, and she didn't know how to comfort her. "That's ... Xue Han is like this, you adapt to it."

Shi Yao looked up and met Youze's gaze. He didn't really want to adapt to these two words. After all, it was two people who lived together instead of the friendship story of three people. However, after meeting his eyes, he felt that there was no It's necessary to pretend.

"Well, I see. Where are you taking me?"

Shi Yao looked at the place where the direction was getting more and more unknown, and a little strange in her heart, "There is no place to go, I just take you around."

Youze didn't say that he just wanted to take her out for a walk, and didn't know where he could go.

Shi Yao looked at the fact that she might be sitting in the car all the time, so she nodded. "I know, I'll take a break."

You Ze looked at the little woman around her and closed her eyes, so she didn't dare to speak. Instead, she found a place in the car and stopped the car, keeping her eyes on Shi Yao's side.

And Shi Yao didn't know that the man beside her had been watching her all the time. After all, she got up too early this morning, so she didn't wake up at all for a while and was still sleepy, and he drove quite steady for a while. I don't know if it's driving or stopped.

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