Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1022: meet your father in law

  Chapter 1022 Meet your father-in-law

Bei Mingyue opened the car door and got into the car, looked at the baby and asked, "Son, let me ask you, do you still remember that you met a beautiful aunt on this street, and you ran out to hug her leg?" Mommy?"

  Baby thought for a while: "Remember, what's wrong?"

   "There were so many of us at the time? Why did you find her instead of someone else? Why didn't you hug me and call me Dad?"


  I don't want to call you dad now, okay?

   He really hasn't called in the past few days.

   Seeing that the little thing didn't speak, Bei Mingyue coughed lightly: "Okay, I won't ask you that! I'll just ask you if you think that aunt is the most beautiful, and do you like her the most?"

  Baby thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

  Bei Mingyue smiled, and said again: "Then what do you think if she gave you a beautiful sister, how about being your wife?"

  Hearing this, the baby was suddenly a little embarrassed, and his fair and tender face was stained with a blush.

  Seeing the shy look of this kid, Bei Mingyue smiled and said, "Why? Don't you want to?"

  Baby: "Yes."

  Bei Mingyue smiled more intensely: "Go, Dad will take you to meet your father-in-law."

   After finishing speaking, Bei Mingyue got out of the car and returned to the cab, started the car and drove towards the JE building ahead.

  Two minutes later, the car stopped in the underground parking lot of JE Building.

  Bei Mingyue got out of the car and carried his son out, then walked towards the elevator.

  After entering the elevator, he put down the baby and said, "As a man, let's go by ourselves."

  The baby gave an obedient "hmm".

CEO's office.

   Li Feng put a document on Shang Zhan's desk: "Master Zhan, this document needs your signature."

  Shang Sizhan picked up the document, looked at it twice, and then signed it.

  Afterwards, Li Feng picked up the documents and left. Just as he opened the door of the office, he saw two men, one big and one small, walking over.

   Li Feng looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Prince Beiming."

  Bei Mingyue looked at him: "Your Lord Zhan is in there, right?"

   "Yes." Saying that, Li Feng immediately pushed open the door to let go: "Please come in."

  Bei Mingyue walked into the office with the baby.

  Shang Sizhan raised his eyes when he heard the movement, and then saw Bei Mingyue and his son walking in.

  Bei Mingyue looked at Shang Sizhan and smiled, then turned to look down at his son beside him, and said, "Son, meet your father-in-law."

  Shang Sizhan: "."


  Shang Sizhan looked down at the documents on the table: "You've been quite free recently."

  Bei Mingyue smiled: "It's not bad." Saying that, he pulled the baby to the side sofa and sat down.

  Shang Sizhan finished signing the documents under his command, then picked up the landline phone on the table and said, "Come in with two cups of coffee and ask for more." As he spoke, he suddenly paused and looked at Bei Mingyue.

  Bei Mingyue said: "Hot milk."

  Shang Sizhan continued: "I want another cup of hot milk."

  After explaining, Shang Sizhan stood up and walked towards the two of them, and sat down opposite them.

  Looking at the one big and one small in front of him, Shang Sizhan slightly hooked his thin lips, and said with a half-smile: "What? Did the Master of Beiming take care of the children himself?"

Bei Mingyue said lazily: "Occasionally, I will take it with me. Today I mainly came to see you. What about your shallow house? I heard that she bought an office building nearby, so she should stay here often in the future. Will you come?"

  Shang Sizhan stared at him without saying a word.

  Bei Mingyue turned his head to look at his son sitting beside him, and said with a smile, "Son, your mother-in-law will come over later, and behave well."

  The baby's face was dyed pink again: "Yes."

  Shang Sizhan: "."

  (end of this chapter)

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