Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1033: Settled in the Financial Building

  Chapter 1033 settled in the Financial Building

  At noon, Shi Qian and Wen Keer went to the restaurant together.

  Not long after they sat down, Sheng Xu and Cheng Yu came over.

  Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Sister Qian, you are really hiding something!"

  Sheng Xu said: "Did someone do this on purpose?"

  Hearing this, Shi Qian was slightly taken aback, and looked at him with some surprise: "You actually saw it?"

  Sheng Xu snorted softly: "Of course, what kind of conspiracy can escape my young master's keen eyes."

  Cheng Yu: "However, who did this? Sister Qian, have you checked?"

  Shi Qian replied: "A person who wanted to buy my copyright but was rejected by me."

  Cheng Yu: "Could it be someone from Xinxing Film and Television?"

  Shi glanced at the two of them: "You guys know quite a lot."

  Cheng Yu smiled: "They are all from the circle of Jindu City. Everyone needs to know a little bit about the affairs of several big families. Besides, no one except Xinxing Film and Television dares to play tricks behind Fengrui Film and Television."

   "Where's Lu Sizhe? Why aren't you together today?" Shi Qian asked suddenly.

  Sheng Xu said: "His sixth uncle moved to a new company and went to his sixth uncle to show his hospitality. Why do you ask him?"

  Shi smiled slightly: "Just ask, don't you get tired of being together every day?"

  Sheng Xu: "Who is tired of being with him every day!"

  Cheng Yu: "No, you didn't."

  Wen Keer was eating, and suddenly laughed when she heard the words.

  Looking at Sheng Xu's handsome face that suddenly turned cold, he immediately put away his smile.

  Sheng Xu glared at Cheng Yu: "Your kid has become poorer recently, right? Who did you learn from?"

  Cheng Yu smiled and said, "I've always learned this from you guys."

  Sheng Xu: "Get out! Why don't you learn more about my master's fine qualities!"

  At this time, Shi Qian's mobile phone rang suddenly, and she lowered her eyes to look at the screen.

   is Bai Wuchen.

  She immediately picked up the phone to answer: "Hello."

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Wuchen's voice came: "Shopkeeper, Lu Yunran has emptied the entire floor, and our equipment can be settled tomorrow."


   "Then do you want to come and have a look tomorrow?"

  Shi Qian thought for a while, and replied: "Go, let's all go and have a look tomorrow morning."

  Bai Wuchen: "Okay."

  Hung up the phone, Cheng Yu immediately asked: "Sister Qian, are you coming again tomorrow?"

  Shi Qian: "Well, there is something."

  The next day, morning.

  Shi Qian and Shang Sizhan set off together, and the car stopped in front of the financial building first.

   Li Feng got out of the car and opened the rear door.

  Shang Sizhan said: "Call me when you go back."

  Shi slightly hooked his lips and smiled: "Well, good. I'll go first."

  Shang Sizhan said softly: "Go."

   Shi Qian walked into the financial building, and then took the elevator to the 67th floor.

   From now on, this entire floor will be the office address of their Qian Tea Shop, and no one else will disturb them.

  In the corridor.

   Lei Ming, Fang Zui and the two had just walked out of an area when they saw Shi Qian coming up.

   Lei Ming immediately said: "Shopkeeper, you are here."

   "Yes." Shi Qian walked over to the two, looked at them and then asked, "Where are Han Jin and Wu Chen?"

   "The two of them were still here just now. I don't know where they have gone. This place is quite big."

   Just as they were talking, the two turned out from the side corridor.



  Shi Qian looked at the two of them: "How do you look?"

   Han Jin replied: "Everything has been checked, and there is no problem."

   "Yeah." Shi Qian nodded, and then walked inside.

   Several people followed her, turned around again, and stopped in front of a floor-to-ceiling window after a while.

   Shi Qian looked out and saw the JE Group building on the opposite side. Looking at the familiar building, Shi Qian smiled.

  (end of this chapter)

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