Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1140: the sound is rough

  Chapter 1140 The voice is relatively rough

  Ye Shuran stared at the computer screen and smiled: "As expected, the role has been decided. It's the financing stage. We should pay some money and replace it with our actors. They should be happy."

  Jiang Manxi asked: "How big is the project?"

   "It's not big, only 100 million, but it has the potential to explode. Although the director is not well-known, he is a rare talent."

   "A rare talent, why didn't he become famous?"

  Ye Shuran said quietly: "It's just being robbed of the limelight. Some things should belong to him, but he can't get them if he is not strong enough, so he can only make wedding dresses for others."

   "So there are other people behind this small company?"

   "It used to be, but something happened to those people some time ago, and this director finally got his freedom and started his own small company.

  The newly prepared film is his first film after his freedom, and it is also a film that can sign his name as the director with dignity, so he will definitely spend more thought than before. "

  Ye Shuran has been in this industry for many years, she has strength and unique vision, and she has indeed made a lot of money for the company these years.

   In terms of business, Jiang Manxi trusts her a lot.

  She said: "Then you should hurry up and deal with this matter. If you are really optimistic, it doesn't matter if we invest more money, as long as we get back more."

  Ye Shuran hooked her lips and smiled: "Okay, I'll talk to them as soon as possible."

  The next day, morning.

  Feng Qingyan didn't go to the set, but stayed in the villa on the lake, accompanying the baby.

  She didn't go out, so Bei Mingyue naturally didn't go out, and stayed in the living room with the mother and son.

  The three of them were sitting on the carpet playing games when Feng Qingyan's cell phone rang suddenly.

  Glanced at the screen, she immediately picked it up to answer: "Hello."

   Immediately afterwards, a young male voice came over: "Qingyan, Huarong has decided to invest in my new movie, and we had a very pleasant talk."

  Feng Qingyan smiled lightly: "That's good, then you will be ready to start shooting soon?"

   "Well, the roles have already been decided. All of them are ideal roles in my heart. I will definitely make a good film of them."

  Feng Qingyan: "I believe you will succeed."

  The two chatted for a while and then hung up.

  Feng Qingyan immediately put the phone aside.

  Bei Mingyue suddenly asked: "Who is it?"

  Feng Qingyan replied: "A friend wants to make a movie, and I introduced him to the one that Shiqian financed."

  Hearing this, Bei Mingyue narrowed his eyes immediately: "Didn't you say that was a woman? Why does this voice sound like a man?"

  Feng Qingyan: ".Like it?"

  Bei Mingyue: "Like."

  Feng Qingyan pursed her lips, and then said: "His voice is relatively thick, he sounds like a man!"

  Bei Mingyue's deep eyes were full of light: "Really? What's the name of his movie?"

   "Uh" Feng Qingyan felt guilty for a while: "The final name has not yet been decided."

   "Is it undecided or you refuse to say?"


  Bei Ming looked at her more: "Feng Qingyan, are you lying to me?"

  Feng Qingyan watched him, moved her lips, but said nothing.

  Bei Mingyue suddenly said: "Rongye!"

  Hearing this, Feng Qingyan immediately said: "Wait!"

  Knowing that Bei Mingyue called Rongye to investigate, she simply admitted to herself: "There is no need to ask Rongye to investigate, he is indeed not a woman."

  Bei Mingyue: "Feng Qingyan, how dare you lie to me."

  Feng Qingyan was embarrassed: "I didn't do it on purpose, I just said that subconsciously the way you looked that day."

   "What do I look like?"

   "Bad guy look!"

  (end of this chapter)

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