Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1573: watch a movie together

  Chapter 1573 Watching a movie together

  Han Jin and Gu Zhichen had already arranged for the company, Qian Tea Shop and others to enter the venue. After Shi Qian told them, he and Shang Sizhan went to the couples session alone. There were only the two of them in the huge hall.

  Shi Qian didn't feel anything unaccustomed to it. She didn't like crowds and didn't like to join in the fun.

  It is more comfortable to sit on the couple sofa for two people, and she can just lean on the back of the chair and Shang Sizhan's shoulders, waiting for the movie that is about to start.

  Shang Sizhan suddenly picked up popcorn and brought it to her mouth: "Eat some popcorn."

  Shi smiled slightly, opened his mouth to eat.

   "Okay, let's put it aside first, the movie has started." She looked sideways at him: "This is the first movie I invested in. I hope Mr. Shang can give me some advice."

  Shang Sizhan smiled: "I don't know movies, just make money."

  Shi Qian said: "Gu Zhichen and Wen Xu's estimated total box office is 2 billion. If they can exceed this figure, there will be a celebration party."

  Shang Sizhan said: "Gu Zhichen has a good investment vision, so it should work."

  Shi Qian nodded: "Well, the profits from the several projects he won were indeed good. By the way, you brought him to my company at the beginning. Do other shareholders of the group have any objections?"

   “An opinion may be had, but not expressed.”

  Shi smiled slightly: "They must want to say it, but they dare not."

  Shang Sizhan then said: "Look carefully at the first movie you invested in. After 12 o'clock, you will know the box office results on the first day."

  Shi's shallow lips hooked slightly: "Yes."

   "Dream City" is a fantasy romance movie. From the actors to the post-production special effects, Wen Xu carefully checks every link. This is the first movie with him as the chief director, and every detail is strictly required.

  The effect of such a seriously produced movie is naturally shocking.

   Shi Qian watched it very seriously, and also felt Wen Xu's seriousness in this movie.

  After coming out of the screening room, Shi Qian immediately saw Gu Zhichen and others.

   Several people also noticed her and Shang Sizhan, and immediately came over to say hello.

   "Master Zhan, madam."

   "How do you feel?" Shi Qian asked.

  Gu Zhichen smiled: "This scene is our own, so we will inevitably evaluate it with a biased perspective. However, when we came out, the evaluations of other audience members in the corridor were also good, and my subordinates think it is worth looking forward to."

  Shi Qian nodded: "I also think it's very good. Wen Xu is a very talented director, and he takes his work very seriously."

  Gu Zhichen said: "After 0 o'clock tonight, today's box office data will be counted, and my subordinates will send it to you immediately."

  Shi Qian said: "Okay."

  A moment later, Han Jin Bailiyi and others came out.

  Lei Ming recollected while walking: "Although it's a romantic movie, it's really good to watch."

  Fang Zui nodded approvingly: "It's really good, I prefer special effects, it's shocking."

  Bai Liyi asked Bai Wuchen: "Wuchen, where are you going?"

   After thinking for a while, Bai Wuchen said: "Go back to Qianhu Manor, I still have an experiment to do."

   "The one you said?"


   Several people came over to say hello after seeing Shi Qian and Shang Sizhan.

  The two responded, and Shang Sizhan said, "Let's go."

   "Shall we go back directly?" Shi Qian asked.

  Paused for two seconds, Shang Sizhan said: "Or, do you want to go to other places?"

  (end of this chapter)

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