Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2125: what's the nonsense

  Chapter 2125 What nonsense?

   Lei Ming was surprised: "Really? I thought he liked Wuchen?"

  Bai Wuchen: "."

  Bai Liyi glanced at Lei Ming: "What kind of eyes do you have!"

  Fang Zui said leisurely: "Actually, Wu Chen's temperament is quite similar to Mr. Bai's. Maybe the guy surnamed Mo likes this type."

  Shi Qian said: "This is just a misunderstanding, not true."

   "Huh?" Fang Zui: "Not really?"

  Shi Qian said: "Mo Yan should like women."

   Lei Ming suddenly said: "Shopkeeper, he...doesn't like you?"

  Shi Qian's forehead suddenly had three black lines: "What kind of logic do you have, didn't you just think he likes Wuchen!"

  Lei Ming said embarrassingly: "Didn't you say that he likes women?"

  Shi Qian: ".I am not the only woman in the whole world."

   Lei Ming immediately said: "But you are the best looking."

   Paused for two seconds, Shi Qian said solemnly: "That's right."

  Everyone: "."

   Although this is true, the owner is too immodest.


  Shang Sizhan's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

   "Shopkeeper, let's go to work first."

  Everyone with knowledge and interest dispersed.

  Shi Qian looked at Shang Sizhan: "Didn't you go to the video conference?"

   "It's over." Shang Sizhan walked up to her and sat down, looked at her and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

   When "saying", she smiled lightly: "Tell me that I am the prettiest."

   "So Mo Yan likes you, right?"

  Shi Qian: "Master Zhan, can you not distort the facts?"

   "Then don't discuss other men."

   "I didn't discuss it, it was Bailiyi who first mentioned it."

  At this time, Yuwen Chengyuan came over: "Master Zhan, madam."

   "What's the matter?" Shang Sizhan asked.

   "Master Zhan, you and your wife should try it out in advance for the wedding ceremony. If there is something inappropriate, you can modify it."

   "Happy clothes?" Shi Qian looked at Shang Sizhan and asked, "Is it an ancient wedding?"

  The wedding date has fallen, and Shi Qian still doesn't know how the wedding is arranged.

   Xifu really needs to try it in advance, Shang Sizhan said: "Bring it here."

   "Yes." Yuwen Chengyuan turned to prepare.

  Shang Sizhan looked at Shi Qian: "It seems that if you want to keep it completely secret, you can't do it. It's an ancient style wedding, and the big red wedding dress."

   Shi Qian raised the corners of her lips: "Actually. I guessed a little bit. I don't think the wedding at the Ninth Store should be wearing a wedding dress."

   "I made a few more styles, just try them out today and see which one you like best."


  Bai Fenghua waited for a while before Mo Yan and others came out of the conference hall.

  Several of them looked at him wrongly, but their attitude was a little more respectful than before.

   No need to think, Bai Fenghua can guess what a few people are thinking.

  One of them said: "Master Bai, you can go in and find our master."

  Bai Fenghua said: "No need." He had already seen Mo Yan walking out.

  Mo Yan came over and ordered: "You all go to work first."

  Everyone left one after another, but they didn't go far. They hid behind the trees and eavesdropped.

  Bai Fenghua was suddenly embarrassed: "What's going on? What nonsense are you talking about?"

  Mo Yan chuckled, and said helplessly: "Yesterday I was not in the mood to deal with that woman, so I just said that I am not interested in women. I didn't expect those people to have such rich imaginations, so they just made up a story."

  Bai Fenghua: "Can't you clarify?"

  Mo Yan: "This kind of thing can't be clarified. It gets darker and darker. Don't worry about it. It will pass after a while."

  (end of this chapter)

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