Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2175: can still laugh

  Chapter 2175 Still laughing

  Everyone frowned. After a brief silence, a man suddenly said: "Should we... think of a way to solve this?"

  Another person said: "Do you have a solution?"

  Man: "No, I mean think of a way, you can't let Miss Qian Ning fall into the fire pit?"

   "But... that guy surnamed Mo is too terrifying. Not only is he unfathomable, but he has a very good relationship with Bai Fenghua. He is the future leader of Blazing Academy. We can't beat them at all."

   "We must not be head-on, we have to outsmart!"

   "How to outsmart?"

   "Sister Qian Ning is trying to find a way to contact the R3 hacker community recently. If we do, we can find out Mo Yan's weakness through the R3 hacker community. We'll see if he dares to harass sister Qian Ning."

   Several people nodded.

   "Makes sense."

   "However, I heard that the R3 hacker community is also quite difficult to deal with."

   "It's up to people!"

  Lin Qianning finally calmed down completely.

   Several people walked in and asked with concern: "Sister Qian Ning, are you okay?"

  Lin Qianning looked at several people, and said lightly: "It's okay, it's okay to be idle, just exercise."

   "Sister Qian Ning, have you contacted the R3 hacker community?" one person asked.

   "Not yet." Lin Qianning said: "They have changed recently, and it may take a while."

   "Oh, then you want to contact them, can you give us the contact information?"

  Lin Qianning looked at them suspiciously and asked, "What are you doing?"

   "We also have important things to investigate."

  Lin Qianning nodded: "I'll contact them first, but if it's not particularly important, forget it, the R3 hacker club charges very expensive."


  Paused for a moment, Lin Qianning said again: "By the way, I'm going to Yuncheng tomorrow, and I'll be back in a while. If you have anything to do, call me."

  Several people responded: "Well, good."

  Lin Qianning left the Budokan and started packing her luggage after returning home.

  Actually, she didn't have to go to Yuncheng in person, but when she thought of Mo Yan, she felt complicated and just wanted to

   Avoid him.

  The next day, morning.

  Mo Yan got the news early in the morning that Lin Qianning had gone to Yuncheng for a business trip.

   "Oh, this is avoiding me." Mo Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help laughing.

  Cheng Nan looked at him with raised eyebrows, and asked in doubt: "Everyone has run away, can you still laugh?"

  Mo Yan glanced at him, and asked again: "How do you know that she went to Yuncheng early in the morning?"

  Cheng Nan smiled: "Didn't I help you watch it?"

   "Who told you to look at her? She will definitely find out, and it's time to misunderstand me."

   "." Cheng Nan looked at Mo Yan for a long time, and murmured: "Brother Yan, you...are you always like this, or have you changed? You are too patient with Lin Qianning!

To be honest, I thought you would shamelessly take someone down a few months ago, whether she agreed or not, I didn't expect you to be so patient and insist on waiting for her to agree. It's been several months , the progress is too slow. "

  A cold light flashed in Mo Yan's eyes.

  Cheng Nanyi immediately said again: "It's useless for you to stare at me, what I said is true." He suddenly smiled evilly and continued: "Brother Yan, actually I have a suggestion."

   "What?" Mo Yan asked, looking at him.

  Cheng Nanyi took out a small bottle the size of a thumb from his pocket.

   Mo Yan glanced down, "What is this?"

  (end of this chapter)

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