Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 342 The question is difficult


Yunxu: "..."

Meng Yutang glanced at him and raised his foot, wanting to kick him.

If it weren't for the sudden vibration in the middle of the night, she would be able to fall asleep.

"Your brother is here."


Meng Ling howled, almost scaring Xia Tian and Yun Xu away.

Everyone around turned to look at them.

Meng Ling cried and said with a mournful face: "What! My brother is here! Where did he go! No, no! I didn't do anything! Sister, Sister, Sister! Why did you betray me..."

He pestered Meng Yutang Balabala endlessly, Xia Tian and Yun Xu both sweated for him.

Meng Yutang didn't seem to be in a good mood today, and he even said a lot.

Meng Yutang couldn't bear it anymore and threw the tong in his hand back on the dinner plate.

"If you talk too much, get out!"

Meng Ling was taken aback and shut up weakly, not daring to speak.

Meng Yutang picked up the things again, holding things while walking.

"He found out by himself. I only saw that he arrived at the airport this morning, and I don't know anything else."

After she finished speaking, she put the clip back a little irritably, turned around and stuffed the dinner plate she had just picked up into Meng Ling's arms.

"You guys eat, I have no appetite."

She turned around and left.

The three looked at each other for a while.

"What should I do."

"It's the first time I've seen her in such a bad mood."

"Yes, she used to accompany us after dinner."

"Didn't you look in a good mood when you came back last night?"

"It looks good, is it because I didn't sleep well?"

"I don't know, is Meng Ling because of your brother?"

"Yes, Meng Ling, you still have an older brother!"

Meng Ling turned around and nodded: "Well, there is an older brother."

"But it shouldn't have anything to do with my brother. They don't know each other. It's probably because they didn't sleep well at night."

"Then let's not disturb her too much. Let's see if there is a way to get her to go back to sleep later."

"What are you thinking? I have an exam today! After the exam is over, I will ask her for leave and let her go back to sleep."


The three of them were so weak that they didn't dare to provoke Meng Yutang all day long, and tried every means to make her happy.

But with little success.

During the last math test, Xia Tian thought of something and followed the teacher to the office.

"Summer, what's the matter?"

The teacher looked at her and smiled: "Your grades have improved a lot recently, it's very good, keep working hard."

Xia Tian smiled and nodded: "Teacher, I have a question I want to ask."

The teacher was naturally happy, and Xia Tian immediately took out the phone and handed over the questions taken last time to the teacher.

The teacher looked at the above question for a long time and frowned, then picked up a piece of paper and copied the question, and then turned to look at the solution written on it.

While copying, he chatted with Xia Tian, ​​and didn't pay attention to it.

"Did you do this question? It should not be a question that can be done within your ability."

"I didn't do it, it was Tangtang. It was the previous test paper I found. I didn't solve it, and I didn't do it by looking at the question type, so I came to ask."

After the teacher finished copying, he handed her the phone: "Okay, I'll look at the questions first, and I'll tell you later, you should go back first, and review carefully recently, such questions are too difficult and you won't encounter this type of questions this year, don't worry. "

Xia Tian froze and nodded, and walked out this time.

She wondered, how did Tangtang figure out how to solve the difficult problem. Based on her understanding of Meng Yutang, she can't do anything she can't think of, and only understands what she can do.

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