Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 348 I Agree

"Just let them come to see you."

Meng Ling was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Hey! That's right!" But after thinking about it, his eyes darkened again: "But my mother is not in good health. If you fly a long distance..."

Seeing his appearance, Meng Yutang didn't say anything but said, "Let's make a video call first."

Meng Ling nodded.

Meng Yutang's cell phone rang suddenly.

She took out her phone and glanced at it.



She raised her hand to answer the phone.

"Tangtang, it's me. Have you finished class? I'm at the gate of your school."

Meng Yutang hung up the phone and asked them to go back to the dormitory first, then turned around and walked towards the school gate.

Shi Yi was standing by the car and waiting for her.

He smiled at her when he saw her come out.

Meng Yutang knew from his appearance that he needed help with something.

Speaking of which, Yi has not done anything excessive to her for so many years, except for using her to gain her current fame and benefits.

She obediently stood in front of Shi Yi.


Shi Yi nodded: "Good boy, get out of class is over, are you tired?"

He raised his hand to touch Meng Yutang's head, but she avoided him.


Shi Yi withdrew his hand in embarrassment, but still smiled.

Jin Shuyan stood quietly at the school gate and watched this side, when she saw Shi Yi reaching out to touch Meng Yutang's head, her eyes darkened.

She also wanted such a blatant favor from her father.

Shi Yi looked at Meng Yutang and said with a smile: "Papa's company is going to cooperate with Jushi recently, and they hope you can come to be their new spokesperson.

Dad thinks they are pretty good, and the spokesperson can be seen by more people..."

He also wanted to continue talking about the benefits of being a spokesperson.

Looking at him, Meng Yutang couldn't help laughing in his heart.

In fact, they have already decided on something like this, and they seem to ask for her opinion again, just to make themselves feel more comfortable, and to give themselves the illusion that they are not forcing her to do things.

But they didn't allow her to refuse these things from the very beginning!

Meng Yutang didn't wait for him to finish, and said by himself: "Okay."

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment.

"do you agree?"

"I agree, I agree with everything that can help Dad."

Shi Yi smiled happily: "Okay, daddy didn't love you for nothing."

Looking at the man who said this so cheekily and hypocritically, the coldness in Meng Yutang's heart continued to spread.

She felt that she had to go quickly, or she would throw up in the next moment.

"It's okay, I'll go back to Dad first."

"Okay, okay, wait, dad bought this for you when he passed by the store when he came."

As he spoke, he opened the car door and took out a box of delicately packaged pastries.

"Girls like these, don't you also like sweets?"

"OK, thank you."

Turn around and leave after speaking.

Jin Shuyan stared at the things in Meng Yutang's hand, gritted his teeth, turned and left silently.

Meng Yutang held the pastry box all the way, his eyes were colder than the pale moonlight tonight.

She doesn't care whether she agrees or not, and it's not like she hasn't done such a thing before, but this time Meng Ting will not agree no matter whether she agrees or not.

Her own daughter was still lying on the hospital bed, how could she let herself be good outside, especially now that she wished she could get rid of herself sooner!

She should be unable to bear it any longer!

The corners of Meng Yutang's lips twitched.

Based on her temperament, it is estimated that if she wants to do something, she will destroy herself first, and then buy a murderer?

But she still hasn't found something, she'd better go back to Shi's house before that, there is a place she must go to!

Shi Yi managed to make me throw up.

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