Of course Mu Feng knew this.

He just held his breath.

Even when you feel guilty for not being able to protect the person you want to protect, her previous tragedies appear before your eyes one by one. That feeling makes you feel useless.

Mu Feng clenched his hands tightly, and walked out with a final flick of his hand, to the training ground.

Zhao Ye watched his leaving back, and silently clenched his hands.

It was too late for them to meet her, and it was too late for them to know all this.

What the girl suffered turned out to be pain they really couldn't imagine.



After the video was sent out, Meng Yutang's fans who had disappeared for a while suddenly appeared, questioning Shijia and Jingzhen on Weibo with tearful words.

After someone found out that Jing Zhen's behind-the-scenes boss was actually the Shi family, everything seemed to have a new explanation, and it also made people feel even more chilled by the methods and cruelty of the Shi family.

No wonder no one knew, no wonder Meng Yutang couldn't get help, it turned out that all the news was blocked within their range, and no one could really spread the news.

There was a big reversal in the reputation, the Shi family seemed to collapse overnight, all the questions, all the doubts came one after another, and the Shi family also suffered an unprecedented blow.

Meng Ting angrily smashed things in the hospital.

Shi Huiting looked at her with a pale face and didn't stop her.

Her body is slowly getting better, but everything around her is slowly decaying.

Every time Shi Huiting thinks of Meng Yutang, the name makes her teeth itch with hatred.

Meng Ting walked over with a limp in some embarrassment.

Even though she was so angry in such a short period of time, her body recovered extremely quickly.

No one has the heart to pay attention to this, and Meng Ting is the same.

"Mom, why did you adopt her in the first place?"

Shi Huiting's words hit Meng Ting's head like a blow to the head, making her confused and awake again.

Why in the first place, it was to win the attention of the outside world!

But where did she expect it!

What a coincidence! It's such a coincidence!

The child who was thrown out by her back then returned to her in this way!

This is also thanks to Shi Yi!

If he didn't treasure Meng Fu's hair! She couldn't even find out if she wanted to!

Who can delay all these people!

Meng Ting didn't speak, Shi Huiting raised her head, her face was pale, her hair was a little messed up, she sat on the hospital bed and looked at Meng Ting who was standing on her back and said again: "Are you hiding a lot of things from me?" ? Why did you adopt her, and why did you suddenly become emotionally abnormal later on? You never told us about these reasons.”

Meng Ting looked at her daughter, her eyes flickering.

This is not the only thing she hides!

Before she could speak, a heart-piercing shout came from the next door.

Meng Ting turned her head abruptly, but didn't move, but Shi Huiting was already used to it.

That voice was Shi Xiao.

He screams like this every day.

What Meng Yutang said was right, every time he thought of her, as long as her image appeared in his mind, his heart felt as if someone was pouring hot oil on it, and it was painful.

Meng Ting had no choice, because his condition could only be alleviated but not cured.

After the accident, she arranged Shi Xiao and Shi Huiting by her side, fearing that Meng Yutang would do something else.

However, Meng Yutang had already done some things before that, and they didn't realize it, just like Shi Xiao who was out of control...

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